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Making your Office Space Healthy – Discard Sedentary Lifestyle

All individuals tend to spend more time in the office doing their duties, but that does not imply that they are very active. Rather this prolonged attachment to work might hint at or infuse in them the seed of sedentary lifestyle, which is not at all desirable. This slack attitude might prove to be a hindrance in the road to success, and so it is very necessary to get rid of this mentality.

The best way of bringing about change is to jazz up your workstation or office space. You can work from home or office, but wherever you do, you need to set up a proper and positive atmosphere which will help you lead a successful and stress-less life. A few steps are being provided here which might prove to be helpful to lead a healthy life by maintaining your working surrounding.

Let Nature Inspire you

You have to work within the enclosed boundaries of your office which can prove to be tiring at times. To break this monotony and energize yourself and your mind, you should let nature in. Open the windows to bask in that light and inhale the fresh air. If there aren’t any windows, then make room for skylights. The natural source of light will light up the gloominess, and you will feel less stress.

Take a stroll

If your work does not permit you to enjoy the blessings of nature while working, then do so during the work. The moment you get a time out, do not waste it gossiping inside. Instead go outside, take a stroll under the open sky and relax. Your friends can join you here, and your chit-chat session can happen here. This break will not only refresh your mind but will also refill you with more fuel.

Decorate your station

It is very important to keep your workstations tidy and clean. So, arrange them once in a while to boost yourself up. You can color the wall adjacent to your desk with a color that at once energizes and calms you. You can also add personal belongings like pictures or gifts etc. on your desk as they act as encouragements. The more attractive your cubicle looks, the more it will allure you to indulge yourself in works.


Go Green

Well, if you cannot manage to go into nature, then bring the nature in! Keep a potted plan on your work table and then see the difference. This little being will not only deck up the desk but will also brighten up the mood. It will take in the impure air and offer filtered air; it will soothe the eye as well. The fact that you will have to look after it will keep you alert and in motion.

Break your breaks

Working for long hours continuously is tad tiring and is not healthy or helpful. Rather short breaks at regular intervals are more sensible. This lets your mind to relax and concentrate more on the work without exhausting it unnecessarily.

Short breaks also symbolize less wastage of time. When you take breaks within the short span, you don’t have the luxury to rest for a while. Rather you are forced to return to your work immediately.

Work + Work Out

When your work asks you to spend a lot of time sitting, then you become prone to turn into a couch potato which isn’t a thing to brag about. To curb this tendency, work out, and exercise sessions should be organized within breaks. The activities shouldn’t be too harsh as it might end up draining the energy rather it should aim at smoothing the clumsiness within us so that we can work more.

Healthy food

The most important mean of having a healthy lifestyle is following a proper diet chart. Similarly, in office place also, foods should be checked to check lethargy. Treating yourself with biscuits and pastries once in a while isn’t an offense but doing that on a regular basis deserves punishment.

So, to avoid this punishment what you can do is opt for foods which will look after you and provide you with the necessary energy. Think salads, think fruits, and think healthy.

Sitting is sinful

Your work turns you into a sedentary person. The fact that you will have to sit and work will take a toll on your health and will push you towards being lazier. Moreover, too much sitting and that too in a wrong posture can give rise to physical issues like a back problem, neck pain, etc. So, you should keep in mind, to sit less while working if it isn’t totally impossible. And also look up for the right posture.

Opt for standing desk

You can solve the sitting trouble by trying out the standing desk, which enables a person to stand in the upright position and complete the chores. The best thing about these desks is that these can be changed according to the height and need of the worker. You can stand, sit or be in a position in between of those to do your work or give your presentation.

Nap Time

Though this might sound a bit odd undoubtedly, this is a much-needed thing which will enhance the power and working capacity of a person. Power naps i.e. naps for short intervals during breaks can recharge the cells and infuse the person with more energy to complete work quickly. So, if a room can be arranged, that will let the workers recreate, refresh and recharge, then that will prove to be quite helpful.

Bottom line

Many things cater to make and keep a working environment healthy. The relationship between fellow workers and employees also play an important role in that case. And all these steps will not only help in individual growth but also will strengthen the bond of brotherhood. So, embrace these and bid adieu to the sedentary lifestyle and thrive in a healthy habitat in your work place!


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