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Tips for a Productive Business Meeting

Running a business is not easy. It becomes very difficult to engage the audience and make sure that the business runs like a perfectly oiled machine. Most employs attend around 5 to 6 meetings on a weekly basis; these meetings can either prove to be extremely productive or they can be a waste of time. In order to make sure that a business meeting is fruitful and all agendas pondered upon, all meeting conductors must chalk out a plan to improve the efficiency of the unit.

Meetings are basically a collaborative effort which must involve everyone present in the room. It is important for everyone to actively participate and add their input; an active discussion is required to reach an effective conclusion. Meetings must be held in a timely manner also all members must be focused and attentive while providing with their answers or feedback. The following is a 10 pointers list of tips for a productive business meeting.

Deciding whether a  meeting is actually required or not

It is important to realize whether a  meeting is required or not. The entrepreneur must realize whether to summon all the members and sit down for an active discussion or could things be sorted out by telephonic conversation, video-conference or e-mail? If the meeting is not crucial then it is better not to call it, as a lot of time and resources are wasted in the process.

Setting the agenda in advance

The agenda gives the meeting a sense of direction. So before the meeting starts, the members must be informed about the agenda in the beginning so that they get a heads up on what is happening. If people are aware, they are more likely to prepare answers and discussions so that the proceeding can take place at a fast pace.


Starting the meeting on time and setting up a time limit

It is crucial to start the meeting on time. If the meeting does not begin at the right time, then chances are it won’t end on time, which result in the entire day being off schedule. The company needs to be strict about the timings, and such a system will make the employs realize the value of time.

Calling on the right people for the meeting

Another important factor is to invite the right people to the meeting so that the purpose of the meeting is met. Holding a good office meeting is not an inexpensive process, it costs a lot of money and not to mention time. So it is important is that the best minds are involved so that the finest possible conclusion can be reached within the speculated time.

Minimizing distractions

It is very easy for the members to get distracted during meetings. Sometimes it is their mobile phones, at other times it is their laptops or other gadgets; to stop all this, the members must be asked to switch off all devices while they are in the meeting room. Also, it is important to seat all participants in a bright closed room which also has a clear background. Make guidelines, that people should not talk with each other while the conductor is speaking. Things such as collar mics help in talking loudly and articulately, therefore, attracting the attentions of the other members.

Sharing notes

Sharing notes is a key factor when it comes to business meetings. Sharing keynotes with the participants will keep them aware of the proceedings and therefore can help in carrying forward the decisions in the meetings to come. The action for each agenda must be well noted along with the name of the people responsible for the task concerned and the time of delivery. Notes also help in solving a number of queries regarding the agenda, also, the participants can easily acknowledge and understand the conclusion, plus, the plan of action.

Honesty and openness

It is important to encourage the participants to be extremely honest in their opinion. The meeting conductor must understand the point of view of the participants and discuss it further to reach a  fruitful conclusion. A good discussion with the participants encourages them to give their feedback without any inhibitions.

Clear actions

Many meetings end up with a  vague conclusion which can definitely lead to miss-communication. The moderator must be meticulous and articulate when it comes to reaching the conclusions of the various agendas. The action must be decided and the task must be assigned to the right individual, plus, a deadline must be provided as well.

Planning in advance

Planning in advance helps in every field. Planning ahead can really help in setting up the tone of the meeting, the flow of the meeting and the number of agendas. This also helps in sending out relevant data and information to the members before the meeting starts so that everyone is updated with the proceedings that are to be followed. All the material being passed out must be reviewed so that proper and informed decisions can be taken.

Never finish the meeting without reaching a proper conclusion

It is important to take all decisions before calling off the meeting. A lot of time and resources are employed to set up a meeting so it is very important that all the agendas are discussed correctly and coherent conclusions have been formed even if the meeting gets overtime. Also, all immediate actions must be recapped before the end so that everyone can follow up easily. A number of meetings, end with vague results which can confuse the participants. The job of the meeting moderator is to extract action from all the people concerned and make sure all agendas are worked upon.

Official meetings can get boring at times, but the right kind of set-up, the proper interaction, as well as the tonality of the moderator, can keep everyone active and participated. A good meeting can yield some very profitable results for the company concerned. If all the tips for a productive business meeting are taken into consideration, then the meeting will not only engage everyone, but will also encourage them to give their best and participate in the process, thus yielding higher goals for the


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