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Tips for Using Pomodoro Technique for Work Productivity

What is the Pomodoro technique?

Well, the Pomodoro technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo during the end of the 1980s, and it is a method of time management. It uses a timer to properly break down the work into various intervals. Traditionally, each interval is about 25 minutes in length and is divided by short breaks.

Cirilo owned a tomato-shaped kitchen timer when he was at the university, and thus, named this system Pomodoros which is the plural of tomatoes in Italian. This concept is quite similar to timeboxing which is used in pair programming context.

Introducing the Pomodoro technique

Over the years the Pomodoro technique has become a very important life hack. It is often used to increase the productivity of a person. While there are many who swear by this method, there are others who criticize it as well. It is important to understand that this particular method of time management is not for everybody and is a matter of personal preference.

This technique is mainly to provide the user with creative, fresh and optimum focus. It helps in relieving mental fatigue, and this philosophy of working helps people to complete projects faster without losing out on their creative juices. The process of working on the Pomodoro technique is simple, the work is analyzed and the time is budgeted to intervals of 25 minutes or a little higher with regular short breaks. Every interval is known as a Pomodoro. After every 4 Pomodoros, which is arounfd100 minutes the person concerned must take a break of 15 to 20 minutes.

The key here is to mark the work progress with an X after every Pomodoro and also to note, whether the person concerned felt like procrastinating the job at hand or to work for another 25 minutes. It is crucial to note that this technique has to be called off if there is some distraction in the working space, i.e. a meeting of some kind or an emergency. In such a  case the Pomodoro has to be annulled with the work that is saved and started later on; therefore it is an indivisible unit of work.

How to get started

Well, the best way to start off with the Pomodoro technique is by setting up a timer. So a phone timer, an egg timer or a countdown clock needs to be omnipresent. There are some mobile apps which can help in maintaining such a pattern of work. However, it must be remembered that the focus of this technique is not primarily the timer, but the amount of work that is done by the person, during that time.

Those who have to deliver regular packages of creative work make use of this technique to get the job done. It helps them to think without losing out on their creativity and focus. Such people like designers, authors, writers, developers, etc. make use of this technique. Having said that, such a method can also be used for those who have slightly rigid goals.

Take a break

The frequent breaks help to get back and look at the macro picture while reviewing it well. This technique also helps people fight exhaustion which often leads to unproductivity and less creativity in the workplace.

Another important thing to keep in mind is if the person concerned is making headway into the work and the alarm goes off, it is not important to stop and take a break. Instead, one must pause the alarm and continue to make sure that the job is completed.

Use of the technique

People who try out this method should understand that if it is not working on them, then they should not force it.

In fact, they must try another method to enhance productivity. Using the Pomodoro technique for work productivity only helps when the person can properly abide by it, while enhancing the quality of their work, if not, then it is not being used properly. 7 to 20 days of this technique can truly help in mastering it and getting projects completed faster. It can truly help in cranking up the creativity and getting the job done on time.

Taking breaks during work can help people in not getting frustrated. Many successful businessmen and creative artists have used this method to hone their skills and reach the summit of success. It helps people to organize their day and chalk out a proper plan to work.

Those who jump around from project to project haphazardly must make use of this amazing technique to realize their optimum potential and understand the power of time management. It also eases the anxiety of people who are scared of how will they go about their day in office.

The basic idea of this technique is to focus on the task at hand, because of the short duration, i.e., 25 to 30 minutes. This will help in meeting objectives without procrastinating it. It also helps in realizing the length of the task and measuring the effort which needs to be put in, for getting this done within the stipulated time.

Many people set up musical alarms on their phones, to make everything a little fun. Using the Pomodoro technique for work productivity can work wonders if used well.

The best part about this technique is that it helps in focusing on the task at hand without procrastinating it. In fact, it enhances one’s creative ability and makes them driven to do the best within the time slots. Plus, it is free!

A simple app on the mobile phone can help in getting started. One can tackle their work systematically and put in all their efforts in improving the quality of the project. Moreover, there is not a  lot of pressure by an external factor; the person practicing Pomodoro is their boss, there is no one to pressurize.

Only the person concerned can manipulate the order of work and get it done within the preferred time while honing their creativity; there is no boss to hover around. Proper use of will power and this the Pomodoro technique can truly help a person to stop procrastinating and start acting.


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