junk food

Is Fast Food Super Sizing Your Waistline

junk food









Is Fast Food Super Sizing Your Waistline

It seems like you can’t go around the corner these days without seeing a McDonald’s, , Arby’s, Wendy’s or other fast food restaurant calling out to you. They are everywhere you go and there seems to be a hundred reasons to stop and pick up dinner or a snack and less reasons not to. And while you’re there, you might as well supersize whatever it is that you’re getting so that you can get more value for your buck right?

“But they are getting better,” some say, pointing out that there are more low calorie, low fat options at almost every fast food joint now. There are salads with exotic names that features things like fruits and nuts and grilled chicken. There are wraps with low carb fillings and heart friendly choices with little hearts or smiley faces beside them on the menu. Kids can even get yogurt or apple slice with their kiddie meals instead of French fries.

So, if fast food restaurants are making better choices available, why are people still getting fatter? Why is obesity becoming an epidemic in America? Why does the United States have one of the highest rates of obesity compared to other countries?

There are several reason that may be the cause.

1. People go for convenience over costLet’s face it – if you’re rushing off to your kids’ soccer game or hitting the road on your way out to the cabin for the weekend, you’re not going to choose a restaurant that has more options for healthy meals. You’re likely going to grab what is convenient and fast. Since there are so many fast food restaurants and the majority of them have drive throughs so that you don’t even have to get out of the car, it’s a lot more convenient to stop off at one of them. And you’re likely going to pick something that is easy to eat with one hand like a burger or French fries, instead of that healthy grilled chicken and mango salad. If you’ve got kids and it has been a long day and you’ve still got to make it through baseball practice and then putting the kids to bed when you get home, you’re likely going to cave when they demand fries instead of apple slices. “They can have apple slices at home,” you think.

2. Low income families will choose the items with the lowest price. Low income families like to treat their kids to a meal out once in a while, too, and low income moms need a break sometimes. An easy solution is a trip to a fast food restaurant. It’s especially convenient because not only does mom get a night off from cooking and the kids get a treat they love, but many fast food restaurants have massive play rooms with big structures to keep kids entertained. A night at a fast food restaurant is dinner and entertainment in one. And the thing is that the lowest priced items on the menu often have the most calories per meal and the highest fat contents.

3. Marketing is aimed at children. A good portion of the marketing for fast food restaurants is aimed at kids and let’s face it – kids can wear you down pretty easily sometimes. Commercials feature games and toys that come free with their meals and then their friends are bringing those toys to school and your kid is the only one that doesn’t have one. Happy mascots draw kids in. Their favorite fast food restaurant is at fairs and other special events giving your kids coupons for free ice cream or fries. It’s hard to get away from.

What is the solution? That’s the tough question that no one seems to be able to answer. But some of these tips might help:

• Plan your day out so that you don’t have to be rushed and can prepare healthy meals on the go for those days that you have to be on the run a lot. It won’t likely work every time but it will work often.
• Minimize television in your home or ban it altogether.
• Find other ways to reward your kids like a night at the park with a picnic basket.
• Talk to your kids about healthier life choices and let them come up with ideas that you can implement as a family.
• Work with other families to decrease or eliminate your fast food consumption. Group dinners, potluck dinners, and helping each other out can go a long way.
• Drink more water. If you drink more water you’ll find that you have less cravings.

Just remember – just because you can’t stop falling across fast food joints doesn’t mean you have to eat at them. There are ways around them. Skip the “easy” and “convenient” now so that you can enjoy life longer.


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