Broken Hart

7 Signs that Reveal a Cheating Partner

Broken Hart









7 Signs that Reveal a Cheating Partner

If you’ve never had someone cheat on you before, you might just think your spouse is acting weird. Or that your girlfriend is going through a mid-life crisis. Or those exams are just stressing your boyfriend out. But anyone that has had a cheating partner knows that there are signs that can tip you off. These signs might seem fairly harmless or maybe just quirky when they appear on their own but if there are two or three signs showing up, one right after another, you’d better open your eyes because they could reveal a cheating partner.

Here are the top 7 signs that could reveal a cheating partner:

1. They become very protective over their cell phone. If it rings while they are in the bathroom and you ask if they want you to get it they scream, “NO! Let voice mail get it!” Better yet, are they taking their phone to the bathroom with them? Sleeping with the phone under their pillow? Maybe they never answer their phone when they are with you. You might think that they are just that respectful of their time with you but they could also be avoiding calls from others that would make you suspicious.

2. Their cell phone battery dies – a lot. Does it seem like whenever you call you just get voice mail? Do you often get excuses like, “My batter died,” or “I accidentally left it in the car,” or “I turned my ringer off and forgot to turn it back on”? No one has that many phone issues. If you’re constantly getting excuses like this and it seems like they never answer your phone they could be seeing someone else behind your back.

3. They are always on the computer. What are they doing on their? Unless they have a job that requires them to work a lot of at home hours and their computer is part of that, you should wonder. Computers open up a whole new world to cheaters. Chat rooms, dating sites that encourage cheating, and even gaming sites can be breeding grounds for men and women that don’t mind getting in a relationship with someone that is already attached. It’s also very easy to hide a relationship if you don’t want others to know about it. Check the history of the computer if you both use it. Is it cleared more often than not? Your spouse or partner very well might be hiding the sites that have been visited.

4. Your partner goes out a lot but you hardly even know the names of their friends. Most people have friends. And it is a good idea for people who are in a relationship to spend time with their friends without their partner – sometimes. But if your spouse is “out with the guys” often and you don’t even know who “the guys” are you should keep your eyes open for other signs that reveal that your partner is cheating on you.

5. They lie about little things that seem to have no importance to anything. Little lies like this could be a sign that they are lying about bigger things and have been for a while. These little lies are often signs that they are trying to cover up something bigger or that they are having a hard time remember what lies they have already told you. No one lies without a reason.

6. They turn into a neat freak. If you partner was always happy to let you pick up his underwear from the floor, do his laundry, and empty out his pants pockets but suddenly starts doing all those things for himself – it might not be that your nagging has finally kicked in. If he’s become a night time shower person when he used to be a morning shower person or he suddenly starts taking more than one shower a day it might be cleaning up evidence. Does he come home from working overtime smelling like soap? These are all signs that your spouse could be spending time with someone else.

7. They suddenly don’t trust you. One of the biggest signs of a cheating spouse is that they constantly are looking for signs that you are cheating. If you’re late coming home from work, they might worry that you’re with someone else. If you spend more time with your friends than usual, they may doubt who you are with. If you find them peeking at your text messages and they’ve never done that before, they are checking to see if you are cheating. Because if you’re cheating then they don’t have to feel quite so bad when they do it. A cheating partner knows how they are hiding things from you so they will be watching to see if you are using the same techniques to hide stuff from them. They may even accuse your of cheating to see your reaction and to throw the scent off themselves.



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