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Category: Productivity

  • 13 Ways to Deal with Pressure

    13 Ways to Deal with Pressure

    Have you ever felt being under pressure? Admittedly, it is something that happens to you consistently, and that causes you great stress, which is difficult to solve. Stress is a natural reaction to a difficulty that causes us great pressure. This can cause us to feel paralysed, unable to continue with what we must do,…

  • 7 Ways to Handle Negative Thoughts

    7 Ways to Handle Negative Thoughts

    Negative thoughts are the leading cause of our suffering. In fact, they are the only cause. Usually, we believe that we suffer for certain things that happen to us, but it is not so. The problem is never what happens to us; the problem is what we think about what happens to us. Thinking negatively…

  • How to Fire Someone?

    How to Fire Someone?

    The working life of a person is defined from the moment that person begins to work, in which you can observe various aspects such as appearance, punctuality, the way of expressing himself and even non-verbal communication, which will give way to know how your performance in a company is going to be. During that journey,…

  • How to Overcome Fear?

    How to Overcome Fear?

    In order to better understand one’s fears, a look back into human developmental history helps: fear is a biologically meaningful reaction to a threat or threats, which mobilises energy for battle or flight, and we avoid situations that seem risky to us. During evolution, fears of certain animals such as poisonous snakes have proved to…

  • The Best Kept Secret of the Rich

    The Best Kept Secret of the Rich

    As individuals, our day at work and home are packed with many tasks. How effectively you divide your day for various tasks explains your zeal to be successful. However, it is essential to understand, which routine suits your body the best because a wrong routine can change your life upside down. When talking about success,…

  • 7 Ways to Handle Burnout

    7 Ways to Handle Burnout

    Hardly any illness has produced so many stories, editorials, books and television broadcasts in the past years like the Burnout. Did you think burnout due to extreme stress and mismanagement was nothing to be worries about? You couldn’t be more wrong! There are highly specialized burnout clinics and businesses are also implementing internal health checks…