7 Ways to Handle Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts are the leading cause of our suffering. In fact, they are the only cause. Usually, we believe that we suffer for certain things that happen to us, but it is not so. The problem is never what happens to us; the problem is what we think about what happens to us.

Thinking negatively may already have become a habit in many people’s lives. Negative thoughts keep people in a pool of nonconformity, despair and unhappiness, in which it is impossible to achieve great things.

Trying to force ourselves not to think negatively is counterproductive, as by resisting them we could create an even stronger negative thinking pattern. When we try not to think about something, it is even easier for our mind to end up thinking about it.

Why Do We Have Negative Thoughts?
An essential step before we can eliminate negative thoughts is to understand well why we have them. Why do we let negativity take over our minds so quickly? It does not seem very logical, right?

We all know that negative thoughts hurt us a great deal, and we also know that our mind is ours and that in one way or another we decide what we want to think. We often choose to think negatively. Many times, we refuse to change our minds, even if we see that they are hurting us. If we are angry with someone, for example, we could try to change what we are thinking for something more loving deliberately. This would help us feel much better, but we usually do not. We stay in the negativity and the pain, and we recreate it again and again.

To clear our minds of negative thoughts, we must try a different approach, something that works. To do this, we share seven practical strategies that can help you.

#1 Change Your Body Language
Analyze for a moment your body postures. Do you keep stooping? Does your frown remain puckered? If so, you are most likely to think negatively constantly. These are signs of negative body language that leads to low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. This emotional state propitiates negative thoughts and attitudes.

Quit Negativity

Therefore, sit upright and secure; do not keep your arms or legs crossed all the time. Keep a smile on your face.

#2 Talk About the Subject
Sometimes negative thoughts are produced by problems, concerns or emotions that we keep hidden inside us and do not let go. It is not right to keep harmful things with us as if we are securing a secret. If you need help, guidance or reassurance on a topic, you should talk to a person who is ready to listen to you, if only for venting.

Putting the thoughts into words can help you resolve the worrying situation at the root, especially when the person listening can give you their opinion or perspective on the matter.

#3 Dedicate A Minute to Calm Your Mind
If you are always eager and accelerated, it will be difficult to control and to supervise your thoughts, mainly the negative ones. Delay things a little, for a moment in the midst of the hectic atmosphere and breathe, close your eyes and relax; if you can stay alone for a minute, take advantage and meditate or set a calm rhythm or sound, so your mind slows down its revolutions.

At the end of this little time of relaxation, you can begin to fill your mind with positive things because you have already left it free of stressful thoughts.

#4 Change the Tone of Your Thoughts
Sometimes negative thoughts are the result of a lousy perspective or a cynical way of looking at things. Instead of thinking, “I am going through a tough time, and I have many problems”, you should think: “I am facing some challenges, with a look at the search and implementation of solutions.”

You are saying the same thing. However the second way recharges you with energy and gives a positive spin to the perspective of what you are going through.

#5 Be Creative
If talking to someone about the subject matter, is not right for you, be creative in releasing your emotions and feelings so you can evacuate the negativity from your mind.

For example, you can write or draw whatever comes to your mind. Also, you can see some activity in which, for a whole minute you scream, break, streak, or do whatever it takes to free yourself, and after that moment you focus on the solution because you have already released your emotions. Use creativity as self-therapy, and you will see that your spirit is rising more and more.

#6 Take a Walk
There is another probability that the negative thoughts are formed because of the environment in which you are involved. If so, an excellent way to free your mind and clarify your feelings is to go to a different place, without negative stimuli.

It does not matter if you are on a work day, you might take a short walk, alone, for some park or place that distracts you and replenishes you with energy.

#7 Start Listing Things You Are Thankful For
Have you forgotten all the good things that surround you that are part of your life? It is very likely that in the daily routine you have focused so much on your problems, that you have forgotten the beautiful things that belong to other aspects of your life.

If this has happened to you, then you need to focus on reminding your mind of all the good you have. A beneficial way and the most advisable for you to always remember is to write a list of those things that you thank for being part of you.

In fact, why only limit yourself to writing the list, if you can include people on that list. Try to find them, so that you infuse harmony and positivism; or if some particular places, activities or things are part of it, make it all more consistent for you to extract the positive energy you need.


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