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6 Reasons Why You Should Not Be Afraid Of the Consequences of Failure

Wearing the fear of failure and passing the milestones of life is a burden. One might start feeling numb with the consequences of fear. And so, anyone would want to move far away from fear. But this is not how to succeed in life. You need to face the challenges so that you come with the right solutions in life.

Is failure that scary? Ask yourself and give it a deep thought whether the failure is good or bad?

Well, failure is a good thing, and you should not be afraid of it. Accept failure as a friend and not a foe. Only then you will be able to rise like a star and not fall like a loser. You need to be well prepared for failures and take them as a stepping stone.

Failure has always been a supportive friend to people. Watch any sport, and you can evaluate the encouragement and strength boosted by failure. Every failure motivates you to do better than the last time. You just need to be strong in your head, and there will be no looking back for you.

Take sportsmanship as an example. Players lose, but they stand still to respect the one who wins and hope to work hard and fight the game and come up high again as a winner.

Hence, here’s the silver lining: 

We learn from failure and not from success. Yes, failure makes you learn, it is the source of your growth, and it develops you. Failure is food for the soul.

Once you encounter failure, you decide what is going to be your next step, or you will take no action. It is all a mind game. You either fight for success, or you just quit and move on.

Both ways you are winning, because you are doing what you wanted to do which will give you peace of mind and that is what matters the most.

So, what are you going to do? Fear a failure and run away from it? Well, if you don’t fear a failure you are already a winner and for those who still have a fear of failure let us discuss the following points.


  1. Failure Is Inescapable:

Failure is for sure to happen. At least once in your life, you will meet it. Failure is a common thing to happen among us, and it happened with many great and successful people like Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, and Walt Disney.

If you go through the remarkable and beautiful success journeys of these great people, you will surely bid a goodbye to your fear of failure.

  1. Failure Is The Ladder To Reach Your Best Potential:

Once you start your journey and you fail in between or at an early stage or just close by to the winning line, do you believe you failed? Well, that may seem to be a failure but observe where were you in the first place when you started the journey and where have you reached now. If you are failing, you are rising as well.

You might not reach the ultimate point but cherish how far you have come. Be proud that at least you tried. Every time you fall, get up and walk with heads high. You become a better performer for the next time with stronger potentials because you didn’t fear a failure and stopped yourself. Instead of that you learned from your failure and improved.

As it is said ‘if you learn from failure you are not losing.’

  1. You Take More Chances When You Are Unafraid To Fail:

Don’t be a spoilsport. Play an exciting chance, take risks in life. You never know when you can beat the risks. Big time opportunities are waiting for those who are unafraid to fail and meet the threats with the right attitudes.

As it is quoted ‘never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart, you were meant to do.’

Thomas Edison was found by his teachers to be too stupid to learn anything. Not even his jobs worked out as he was thrown out from his first two positions. Even as an inventor, Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts while inventing the light bulb. But, all the failed attempts finally resulted in the design that worked.

  1. Failure Improves Your Focus:

When failure beats you, again and again, your ability to stay focused is improved.

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots and lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed”, said Michael Jordan.

The phrase “Failure is not an option” is attributed to former NASA Flight Director Gene Krantz who successfully led the agency’s operation to save the crew of the ill-fated Apollo 13 space mission.

You need to learn to live life to the fullest and always think about focusing on the positive side of life. Keep on trying until you succeed. You should not let the fear of failure overpower you.

Let failure be your friend in need. You need the breakdown, to guide your path to success. Enjoy the way of failure to improve your focus and no doubt one day you will shine bright like a star.

Like diamonds come out of coal, you will come out of failure.

  1. Failure Keeps You Grounded:

When the failure occurs in the picture, it thoroughly instructs a person on the subject of growth and success. Keep learning lessons from your fault.

  1. Failure Is Your Best Teacher:

People are educated, get degrees, they become scholars. They are all well prepared in their institutions, schools, universities. They come as learned people to shine brightly in their respective careers.

But all that seems a theoretical knowledge when they meet real-life situations and challenges. Practically failure is their best teacher when they are facing the world.

You step up in the competitive world; tough situations unveil one by one in front of you. You fail again and again. You fall you rise again you fall, and still, you grow.

You are exhausted and tired and disappointed. But don’t let the disappointments be a setback for you and your career. When you fail, there is no need to lose heart. You just need to review your performance and find out what went wrong at your end, what were your drawbacks that you need to improve and how.

Failure will make you learn every time you fail. You will get to know yourself better at every failure you experience. You may want to quit, but a failure as a teacher will never give up on you.


If you apply the right attitude towards failure, it will keep on guiding you until the time you achieve your aim. There should be no turning back, and you need to stay strong and focused.

Let the failure inspire you. Appreciate breakdown, accept it and embrace it.

To add a royal and brave touch to our failure strength, you need to keep the quote in mind, that says;

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness”.


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