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get more done

5 Tips on How to do Less and Get More Done

86400 seconds or 24 hours is all you get in a day, and you need to schedule your time appropriately. Better scheduling and not long hours of working will lead to success. Increase your productivity by reprioritizing your time.

Smarter work provides us more time, and it must be used appropriately and not wasted. You need to be productive. Quick work along with the passionate drive to do things more efficiently will undoubtedly lead you towards success. Work smart and better by implementing on following steps:

1. 80/20 Rule

The rule states that if you prioritize 20% of your work efficiently, it will impact your productivity more than the 80% work. Avoid chasing small activities and focus more on events that are more critical to your success. Extra and efficient investment of 20% will give you the result of 80%. The best way to supercharge your 20% time is just by following a few suggestions:

  • Identify important task and focus on them cut e-mail and unnecessary phone calls.
  • Be firm and say no to people who do not contribute enough value without guilt.
  • Focus on key terms and core concepts ignore unnecessary details.

Many of us consume caffeine for the alertness factor. Caffeine is an addictive drug, and you are not doing any favour on yourself by drinking it. In fact, you can be more productive without the caffeine kick.

There are various healthy options that you can adapt to be energetic and alert at work and have caffeine-less day. Let’s have a look at some of them:

Scrutinize the To-Do List Thoroughly

You will save an incredible amount of energy and mental stamina if you choose quality over quantity to increase your productivity. Focus on the top three Most Important Task (MITs). It will get your most important task accomplished even if the rest of the list is untouched and you will feel super productive. A long list is

mostly not achieved. The small and essential task list is accomplished quickly. Plus it generates a feeling of success on accomplishment and improves organizing skills. You feel motivated to do more.

Your time and energy is limited and carefully planned MIT list will make a significant impact on your development both personal and professional. Aim to achieve your MIT’s as fast as you can.

Plan At Night and Execute It at Day

You will be on track in the morning if you are aware of your goals to be achieved within next 24 hours. The mind feels relaxed, and you sleep better when the list is prepared at night. Your brain gets programmed accordingly, and this makes you more efficient and effective for the next day.

Qualify task for the present day

To boost your productivity, you need to evaluate the work that you put on your to-do list. Separate your to-do list from the master list. The master list consists of all the tasks that need to be done and “today” list consist of an urgent work that needs to be accomplished immediately and cannot be postponed.

Prepare a big list of all that needs to be done at night. Then chronologically arrange them by priority. You can use markers to highlight high priority task. This way all your goals are achieved as you can move items from the ‘big list’ to ‘today’s’ list. You will be amazed when you observe that all your tasks are being accomplished as you transfer them from big list to do today list.

Focus on essential task

You need to improve the skills to deal efficiently with your today list. So re-evaluate your work and offer them an appropriate position on your to-do list. Few minutes of proper planning list will give you more return. Mental and physical energy must be invested correctly. Avoid all unnecessary task, meetings, and appointments. Focus on the activities that will give a kick start to your career. You must devote 60% of your time on net-new campaigns and events.

Challenge yourself if you are procrastinator to do 30-minute productive work. Learn to master your time. “Done” is always better than perfect just like its better to read

bedtime stories with your kids than folding the laundry. Volunteer time and help out at the auction. Offer help to teachers during school trips and spend time with your children.

2. Schedule time and eliminate distractions

Technology is meant to boost productivity, but if not used effectively it can kill your productivity. Distractions in the form of email, text message, a call can significantly decline your performance. Interruption affects the quality of work, and the brain takes 15 minutes to re-focus again.

get more done

The apps like Freedom and Concentrate help to block internet distractions. Stick to your schedule and avoid unnecessary calls and e-mails and reply back later. Value the most precious resource and manage time wisely.

Distractions separate you from the path of success. They are costly and tend to shift your focus on least essential matters.

3. You Need to Stop working to be more productive

Many of us tend to work continuously without stopping for hours. But success is the result of working smart and not working hard. Such people tend to move away from their MIT’s and are exhausted by the end of the day, spending their precious time on unproductive work.

Implement techniques and give importance to critical work. Do not bring office work at home.

4. Quit when you’re ahead of time

When you are working at fast speed, make it a point to take a break in between so that you can start again quickly. Many writers use this technique. It can be applied in all fields stop when you are doing great and are aware of what is going to happen next. The future is in your grip.

5. Cut-off time is essential

Prioritize your time and maintain a strict cut-off time. It could be noon or evening time or anytime as per your convenience.

Work on a laptop without power cord so that you can limit your work time.

Activity strengthens motivation

Leisure activity after you have accomplished your task is essential and keeps you motivated. It freshens up your mind and body and energies you up for more work. Shopping, dinner date, quality time spent with family and friends helps to rejuvenate.

Successfully wind down

If you always connected to your work, you will not be able to wind down completely. But to super recharge yourself you need to implement tactics that help you to unwind. Simple exercises, walking from office to home, journaling, taking a power nap, planning the routine for the next day at night and many such activities can help you relax.

You can use the alarm to go to bed also. Night bedtime alarm is as useful as the morning alarm, which helps you to get out of bed. So set the night alarm to stop work and go to bed.


Stressful work days can be handled more productively if you consider these options. By implementing on them, you will be more content and calm at your workplace.

The technology-driven world today is extraordinarily stressful, and in fast-paced workplaces with the competitive environment, it is essential not to be overloaded with work and learn to destress.


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