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Ways to Stop Aging

8 Habits to Avoid that Speeds up Aging

The combination of modern medicines and technology has managed to increase the life span of human but has it been able to reduce aging? Countless cosmetic procedures, surgical enhancements and lifestyle changes are advised to stall aging.

Still, see around yourself, you’ll find people doing things, knowingly or unknowingly, to speed up aging.

Make sure you don’t make the same mistakes. Here are the habits to avoid that speeds up aging:

8 Habits that Speeds Up Aging

1. Smoking

It’s a well documented fact that smoking increase the risk to heart and lung diseases, and shortens life. Did you know that smoking also releases enzymes that destroy skin elasticity? No matter how many cigarettes you’re smoking daily, the impact on skin will show overtime.

Stop smoking. It kills.

2. No Proper Sleep

People always seem to be in a hurry these days. Sleep is an important component of human lifestyle. Six to seven hours of sleep daily is mandatory to keep the body functioning smoothly into old age. Try to squeeze in appropriate hours within your busy schedule.

Getting 6-7 hours of sleep daily might require drastic changes to your lifestyle.

3. Too Much Sugar

Well, who doesn’t want that rich chocolate mousse?! While sweets satisfy our taste buds, it is a danger to our waistline and now, researches has proved that sweets can make your skin dull and wrinkled. The sweets going into the bloodstream attaches itself to proteins to form harmful end product, called AGE. This AGE destroys proteins like collagen and elastin, which are responsible for keeping the skin firm and smooth.

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We are not recommending to give up sugar completely but to have it in extreme moderation. A piece of chocolate cake, for example, once a month is completely fine.

4. Stress Speeds Up Aging

Stress is a modern malaise. Everyone is running to achieve something and this maddening rush weakens our body drastically.

Whenever we are feeling stressed due to any activity, what happens is that norepinephrine and cortisol hormones concentrate in the bloodstream, raising our blood pressure and weakening immunity. If the stress is not tackled, you start losing natural immunity, memory gets affected, arteries are hardened and a person starts to feel older.

Manage your lifestyle. Don’t let stress buildup in the long term.

5. No Physical Exercise

The spread of obesity has made exercising synonymous with losing weight. It has become a general perception that you exercise only to lose weight.

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The truth is that a lack of physical exercise speeds up aging drastically. Our body is a machine. Like any machine runs its finest after oiling, the human body needs oiling too. The oiling for the human body is regular exercise.

You don’t have to sweat it out in the gym, of course. You can go for a walk, cycling, and swimming or pursue any sports hobby. Research studies show that adults following a regular exercise regimen are healthier in their old age than their non-exercise doing counterparts.

Start exercising.

6. No Vegetables or Fruits

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that slow down aging process. The excessive dependence on processed and packaged foods speeds up aging. Fresh fruits and vegetables are powerful free radicals fighters. Free radicals spread havoc on the skin and body, damaging skin cells, which can lead to cancer, and make a person look older.

The antioxidants remain active only for few hours. Therefore, ensure to replenish it every couple of hours.

Stop dependence on processed and packed foods. Start cooking and consuming fresh vegetables and fruits.

7. Holding on to Grudges

You only get one shot at life. Why waste it being angry and holding on to grudges? Grudges are the manifestation of a negative emotional reaction. From a biological perspective, it speeds up aging.

A lot of research studies have gone on to prove that letting go and forgiveness adds years to human life and makes it more productive. Forgiveness leads to better spiritual, psychological and physical well being. It causes less anxiety, less stress, less depression and controls blood pressure.

Let go of past grudges. Lead your life stress free.

8. No Sexual Life

A research study shows that an active sexual life makes you look younger up to 12 years!

Do you really need an incentive to have sex? What better than it makes you feel younger by a decade! Sex not only feels good but it works wonders for our mood and improves our health. Not having sex speeds up aging.

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Uncountable research studies have proven that a good and healthy sexual life lowers risk of cancer, gives less stress, less pain and stronger immune system.

So, if you’ve been lacking in the passion department, it’s time to get raunchy between the sheets.


Avoid all these habits that speeds up aging. Instead, follow good habits and lead a healthy life.


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