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Effective Marketing Strategies

10 Effective Marketing Strategies for Your Online Business

For a business, effective marketing strategies are the key to success in several fields, but finding the right strategies seem to be challenging for many business owners and marketing heads. What strategies work effectively for today’s businesses? What are the most efficient ways to get your customers to know about your business? This post is compiled to help you find the best marketing strategies that can work wonders for any business.

Effective Marketing Strategies for You

Here they are:

#1 Identify Your Target Market

The first and foremost step towards effective marketing strategies would be to identify your target market. It’s the most crucial marketing strategy to taste success in your business. Create your ideal customers’ profile. What kind of individuals purchases your products or services most often? Where are they likely to search for the product? What’s their age? Why do they need this product or service?

Finding answers to such queries and creating profiles of customers can help you assess the overall scenario and plan your other marketing strategies accordingly.

#2 Make the Most of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the buzzword for businesses today. Design a functional and attractive website for your business. Develop it and keep it updated according to the latest web design trends and optimize the site for keywords appropriate for your business.

This can go a long way in attracting prospective customers online. In short, though conventional marketing still exists, internet marketing is inevitable these days.

#3 Don’t Underestimate the Power of Social Media

Social networking sites are the happening places for businesses today. Ensure that you are an active part of some popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to reach out to an extensive range of prospective customers.

Effective Marketing Strategies

#4 Giveaways Are Productive

Give away prizes to spread word about your products or services. This is a great marketing tool that lets you to collect vital details about prospective customers. Select a prize like a free consultation, month of free services or a product basket.

Announce about the contest across all platforms – both offline and online so that people get to know about it and take part in it. Give out entry forms for the contest that requires the participants to fill in their names, mailing address, and email ID. Select a winner and give away the prizes. Maintain a database of the customer information you gathered to send out future sales fliers and newsletters.

#5 Be a Media Resource

The press is always on the lookout for authoritative resources for reports and quotes. Stay in contact with the local media via offline and online network groups and make yourself available as a resource for the media.

If the media you are in touch with is offline as well as online, your business can get a lot of exposure through the local newspapers and online press releases, which can be very effective in gaining more customers.

#6 Run Contests

Running contests relevant to your business is a great way to promote your products or services. For instance, if your business sells food products, you can consider holding a recipe contest, judge the entries and give the winners your store’s gift cards. Print out all the entries and sell them to spread word about your business.

#7 Distribute Flyers and Brochures

Even at the dawn of this digital age, flyers and brochures still have their fair share of effectiveness when it comes to marketing business products and services. Print some attractive brochures and flyers and distribute amongst your target audience. You are sure to see a good response to this conventional strategy.

#8 Get Your Business Listed on Google Place

Many of them think that getting listed on Google Places is not a marketing strategy, but it’s just a myth. Claiming a position in Google Places is not only for retail stores and food establishments, but for all kinds of businesses.

If you search for any kind of service based on specific location, Google will display a list of businesses that matches your search. If you run a business in a big city, you cannot be assured that the profile will be displayed on the first page. However, owning a profile certainly gives your business an edge over others.

#9 Participate in Trade Shows

Trade show is one of the best places to make your business popular in the specific vicinity. Participate in such events as the benefits are awesome. Devise a successful plan for the show and implement it properly.

#10 Seek Referrals

Seeking referrals is one of the evergreen methods to gain more customers for your products or services. Ask existing clients for referrals of prospective customers who may be interested in your product or service. For instance, if you are an electrician, you can consider seeking referrals from the local remodelling contractors, builders, and plumbers.


Now that you know which effective marketing strategies give the best results, go ahead and implement them in your business. Soon, you can see your business step up the success ladder to reach its zenith.


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