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Items that Poison a Pet

7 Common Items That Can Poison a Pet

Many things of our daily use can pose a threat to our pet’s lives; they can poison a pet. We need to be aware of the harm that a simple thing can do to our loved pets.

Pets are after all like babies who depend on us and trust us with the food we feed them on. You just need to have your eyes open and use common sense, and your pets will be safe of every lurking threat in your house.

Although most of the things you would already know, there are a few more things which can harm a pet’s life.

7 Common Items That Can Poison a Pet

Here they are:

Items that Poison a Pet

1) Cans and Bottles

Cans and bottles can put your pet’s life in risk, as small pets often try to lick from them, and if they get stuck in the bottle and no one find them in time, this can be dangerous, and cans on the other hand can put cut marks on them.

So crush them before throwing used cans and bottles, and do not let your pet out alone.

2) Poisons and Traps

People often use animal killers to kill rats in their house. If you also use animal killers, your pet might also eat them. So it is advisable to not use them.

And if you do, use them very carefully. And if you are not among the people who use animal killers, you neighbours might use them and dump them in the bin later.

Save your pet from going around trash bins which contain harmful materials to poison a pet.

Again, traps can be the things which deceive your pets, instead of the animals you are targeting. So if you do use them, use them with precautions.

3) Insecticides and Particular Foods

Insecticides that farmers use for farming purposes can be particularly dangerous to your animals. Especially, chemicals like organophosphates can be life threatening for your pet dogs and cats.

Consuming a good amount of such pesticides can lead to pancreatitis or a concentration in stomach. It also obstructs gastrointestinal track.

4) Foods can Poison a Pet

Though this might vary from pet to pet, but there are certain foods which animals can’t deal with. Avoid feeding your pets on foods like that. Some such very obvious foods are the intoxicating drinks, fruits and vegetables with seeds and some with poison in them.

Don’t serve your pets with alcoholic beverages, apple seeds, apricots, mushrooms, raisins, garlic, coffee, onion and coffee.

5) Household Items

Household items including things like glue, paint, perfumes, nail-paints, anti-freezer, chemicals, Xylitol and others can harm your pet. So it is crucial to give your pet a proper training to keep them away from harm.

Besides, it is a bad idea to feed your pet from the table food. Every pet has a certain food which should be served to them. It can cause digestive problems to them. Feed your pet on the table food only when you are sure of its adequacy.

6) Medicines That Can Harm

Medicines are not for pets. A wrong medicine can poison a pet. Consult a doctor for every disease your pet might be suffering from. Don’t try to cure it yourself with medicines. It might prove life taking.

Use this as a precaution with dietary supplements too. All the diet and supplements, vitamins health food you serve should be done after prior consultation with a doctor.

7) Typical Food which are For Human Beings and Not For Pets

You might love it, and your canine fellow might look at you with a puppy face for a bite for these things, but these can be fatal for their lives!

Learn to say no to them for these things:

Chocolates: It might not be harmful to any human being. But pets are different. Chocolates have methylxanthines which can lead to indigestion or death in case of heavy consumption. Caffeine has a similar effect on them.

Xylitol: This is in sugar, candies and gums. It will cause a drop in blood and weakness and seizure. Among the dogs, it also results in liver failure.

You might find pets eating anything in movies. But in real life, this can be hazardous to the animals.

Have a discussion with doctors to know your pet’s dietary requirements, the do’s and don’ts, before you bring them home.

Don’t put their lives in danger by treating them the human way because what is good for us can poison a pet.


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