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Post-Natal Fitness

Post-natal Fitness Guide for Moms

Post-natal fitness exercises provide the new moms with a whole range of benefits.   Exercises help to stimulate your post-natal recovery. During the time of pregnancy, your lungs and heart become more efficient and stronger.

However, you must consult with your health care provider before getting back to the exercise routine on a regular basis.   The kind of delivery you had puts a great impact on your fitness routine so it is always best to go for the expert’s advice.

Generally, the health and fitness experts’ advice to get back to the workout routine after completing the six week of post-natal check-up.

Post-Natal Fitness Exercise

What are the benefits of post-natal fitness exercise?

  • First of all, if you want to get back the toned and shaped figure like before, postnatal fitness program is a must for you.
  • Post pregnancy fitness program helps firm up your body and restore the muscle strength.
  • Getting back to your normal fitness routine after having baby, can improve your mental and physical well-being.
  • You will no longer feel tired easily because hard core exercises help to raise your energy level.
  • The obvious outcome is that postnatal exercises will condition your abdominal muscles.
  • A balanced diet and perfect workout routine will help you to relieve your stress, improve your mood and you can easily keep from going through the postnatal depression.

What is the right time to start post-natal fitness exercises?

You can easily start gentle work outs as soon as you start feeling comfortable right after your delivery process.  It is always best to start when you feel up to it. No one can understand the state of your mind and your health better than you.

As said earlier, starting after six weeks of giving birth would be best as most of the changes which occur during pregnancy   get back to the normal stage after six weeks.  But this is only applied in the cases of normal delivery.

In case, if you had complications throughput your pregnancy and delivery procedure, it will take longer for you to resume your normal daily workout routine.  If you stopped practicing during the time of your pregnancy, you can start with gentle and easy warm up exercises. Eventually you can build up the intensity level of your exercises.

Keep in mind, your abdominal muscles and lower back would be the two best parts to focus on as these parts become weaker after the delivery process.  Your joints and ligaments are also more pliable and supple.  Do not opt for starting on your own; you should be under supervision of a well skilled trainer.

Post-natal fitness exercises such as twisting and stretching come with increased chances of getting permanently injured. You must avoid such sports and work out which require quick and frequent direction changes.

What is the link between exercising and breast feeding?

Several researches have proved that regular exercises do not have bad and adverse impacts on a mother’s potentiality to successfully breastfeed as normal caloric and fluid intake are maintained.

But, according to some surveys, high- intensity physical activities can lead you to have lactic acid accumulated in breast milk.

However, there are ways to prevent the possibilities. You should stick with low to moderate exercises. Do not forget to drink a lot of fluids throughout the day.

Take care of your pelvic floor:

You should also keep in mind that your pelvic floor is weak.  You should avoid certain exercises such as leg raises, crunches and other abdominal exercises as because these exercises are more likely to put intense pressure on the pelvic floor which could block your healing process. You may increase the chance of organ prolapsed.

Watch out the bleeding:

Once you have start doing heavier exercises, your body will begin to react accordingly. You must pay attention to the side effects of regular exercising.

In many cases, women have found that the bleeding which had diminished starts to get heavier again.  This is an obvious sign that your body needs more time to get entirely healed.

How to create time for post-natal fitness exercise?

This is the most important concern of every mother. When you are taking care of your new-born, finding out the extra time for doing exercises on a regular basis could be challenging.

Many of the individuals have reported to feel too tired to hit the gym floor. Some have reported that they hardly find a little time for themselves after giving birth.  But that does not mean you should eliminate the plan of exercising.

You have to do the best you can.  Some suggestions are mentioned below:

#1 Find the support of your partner, friends and family members. They can help you to stay motivated when it comes to getting back to the normal exercising routine.

#2 You must be wondering which postnatal exercises would be safe for you. As per the experts explain walking could be the best way to tone up the muscles. All you require is a pair of comfortable shoes.  You can go for a walk at any time of the day. The best part is that you can also take your baby along.

#3 You can opt for doing general and easy abdominal exercises which do not require that much intensity. Involve your baby, lying next to you, while doing abdominal exercises.

#4 It is not required that you have to spend a long hour while exercising. You can easily divide your work out chart into smaller chunks of time slots during the day.

#5 Pelvic floor and tummy exercises can be performed easily while doing other tasks such as driving the car or breastfeeding.

#6 You can consider having a collection of workout journals and DVDs. You could also purchase some tapes which feature shorter exercises (such as 30 minutes’ workout plans).

#7 You must not go for heavy weight exercises without consulting your fitness trainer. Your body is comparatively weak than the pre pregnancy stage.


Hopefully, these ideas help you to build up a healthy post-natal fitness program.


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