Life Is Too Short

Why You Shouldn’t Give Up On Your Dreams

Are You Still Dreaming or Have You Given Up?

Life Is Too Short









Have you ever thought about how important dreams are? Have you ever consciously sat down and thought about what your dreams are? Have you ever purposefully considered what you want your contribution to this world to be? What do you want to be remembered for when you die?

It’s very easy to forget how important dreams are to you. You get up, feed your dog or the kids, yourself if you have time, head out the door and go to work so you can pay the bills, come home, too tired to do anything but watch a couple TV shows or a movie, check your Facebook, and go to bed. Where are your dreams in that? Yes, that life is easy to get caught up in. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Dreams are important and they deserve your time and energy.

Where Would We Be Without Dreams?

What if everyone gave up on dreaming? Where would the world be today? Would we have iPhones and planes and cars? Would we have telephones and electricity? Someone dreamed of doing all those things before they came into existence. Someone consciously put effort towards achieving those dreams.

We All Die

Eventually, all of us are going to die. The only question is how? When you die, what do you want it to be like? Don’t think about the events that led up to your death but think about being in that moment when you cross over from living and breathing to whatever it is you believe is on the other side of life.

Who will be with you? Who will hold your hand? How will they feel?

And once you have passed on, what will people remember about you? You don’t need to be a genius and change the world in a big way. Perhaps there will be people who remember you for your stories or people that remember you for your kindness or for the volunteering that you have done. Maybe someone will remember you for some small way that you helped them through a tough time in your life.

If you have big goals and dreams, that’s ok, too. You might want to invent something or cure a disease or find ways to make more sustainable energy sources. You can dream anything you want to.

Be an Active Dreamer

The key is to be an active dreamer. Instead of just daydreaming casually as you sit on the bus on the way to work figure out what you need to do to make those dreams happen. Do you need to go to school? Do you need money? Do you need partners? Whatever you need, make it happen. Figure out how to get what you need to make those dreams come true and do it.
Nothing is Impossible

It is often a force of habit to start the next sentence with, “But…” after we have admitted what our dreams are. Those are just excuses though. Excuses are just your fear speaking. When you start a sentence off with, “But…” don’t let it end there. Figure out what you need to do to make it so that “but” is no longer there. Does it bring up more excuses? Keep working backwards until you no longer have any buts. Figure out what you need to do to eliminate the buts until there are no more.

That’s where you start. That’s where you begin to make your important dreams into a reality!


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