How to Build Your Self-esteem and Self Confidence?

Interesting topic, isn’t it? Well, we all know the Big Motivational terms in the books “Power of the Mind and Soul.”

Here come the two powerful words we abide day in and out. I’m sure everyone has learned about this concept at least in moral science classes during our childhood days. Just rewinding what we acquired!

“Self Confidence and Self Esteem,” yes this is the subject to discuss. All of us are aware of this terminology but if you have forgotten to interpret, let me brief you about it.

Self Confidence and Self Esteem

The magical words more or less mean the same but a very fine line separates them. Trusting one’s ability and having a strong belief in the instincts of one’s mind, producing self-assurance that you are right and shall be judged precisely, is Self Confidence. I hope you agree with the statement.

So, what is Self Esteem? Simply stated, the confidence in one’s worth and abilities towards respecting an individual himself morally is Self Esteem. Well now, that we know our basics, let’s see how many of us practice self-confidence and self-esteem regularly.

How to Build these Characteristics?

The initial step in achieving these magical words into your life is in believing yourself no matter what the world thinks about you. Trust yourself, and it creates a strange feeling. Sounding ridiculous, it may, but you have to train your mind to set your values and ethics strong. Believe me, once you keep exercising your mind with these beautiful thoughts you will notice a remarkable change in your personality. You will feel good and perform best which would fill your heart with content and gratification.


Now, let us see how you can stand confident and respect yourself to turn down every worm which bit you and pulled you down to the grave to rise high up in triumph, touching your soul.

Charming Smile

I would say no matter how dreadful you feel, or you have lost all energy to twinkle those extra muscles apart. It takes immense strength and courage to deliver a genuine smile to whip off all those troubles in a whisk. Half the battle is won with this one deed. Confident people, if you notice always carry their smile and try to stay calm.

Say No to Comparison

It is strictly a damaging factor which blows away all the accumulated confidence and esteem. Just by a single negative feeling such as jealousy, envy, selfishness, greed or being emulous is enough to drag you to an isolated unnecessary trauma within your mind. So, folks wipe this weed right away. So what if you are not rich or successful than your opponent? There are many such qualities within you that he wishes to add in his kitty. Feel good about yourself. Be unique as your fingerprints and DNA. Consider yourself as an exclusive masterpiece. Start loving yourself.

Stay Optimistic

Spreading positivity within you and your environment around is very crucial. People remember you not by how you look, but how you make them feel! Imagine a grouchy person who seems to be negative every moment, do you think this individual can affiliate? No, everybody has carried away with a positive heart filled with bliss to make them feel good. Are you one among those?

  • Caring Deeds

We must have personally come across a very callous world sometimes. The robotic generation of this century has transformed the meanings of the words like kindness, care, and help. We take part in many social causes just to showcase a false image that you care about the society. Are we genuinely caring or helping the needy?

It is a crucial factor to stay confident and respect yourself. How have you been associated with your peers and your surroundings? Do we give our 100% to help the person who is suffering in pain? Do we have the ability to challenge your boundaries and go that extra mile in solving their issues as our own? If yes, you have answered the question of this whole discussion.

Feeling Passionate

Have you ever had that adrenaline rage to do something indifferent and stand out in the crowd? Drive against the passion that is how confident people succeed. Immense pleasure of achieving your goal is truly stated when you feel that moment. The world will stand still for you.

Ability to listen and speak to your inner voice with a million-dollar achievement smile is never going to fade away till you lose your last tooth. Dreaming big and working towards it brings a priceless satisfaction. Improvise your intelligence and skills every day for a Smarter You.

Construct a Pragmatic World

Now, this is a hardhead but not impossible. What I meant is to have a rational cultured human being. Respect and admire your near and dear. Showing love causes no harm. Celebrate the success of your fellow partners, and complement each other for the excellent work done. Apart from pleasing the other person, it creates a memory and bond between both of you producing a trust factor. Listen and appreciate every little deed done by your family, peers, society, and even your pet. I bet, gradually you will start feeling virtuous inside you with lots of chockfull moments of peace.

Awesome Folks

Considering the fact, you excel well with your supporters by leaps and bounds is correct. When you have, a sound and encouraging foundation filled with strength and goodness, trust me you are blessed! Your solid pillars family and friends shall be sustained throughout your life. This festivity and warmth shall be enchanting always to a confident and self-esteemed individual.

The Gist 

These are some of the few principles if you inculcate in life possibly will lead a purpose to your existence. Being confident and self-esteemed is a loud shout within you. Knowing the greatness lying beneath you and not announcing to the humankind is the self-destruction mode. “Secretly prevailing as a Silent Winner” reflects the pride and joy of a confident man and self-esteemed women.

“You are never too late to shy away, in unlocking the best version of you, the greatest side in a most populous and desirable mode.” Having said super poise and valued assets in thyself is no big deal.


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