How to Become Successful, According to Will Smith

How to Become Successful, according to Will Smith?

Success is a state of mind. You are already successful or not if you have already convinced your mind. There are a lot of motivational books out there teaching people how to become successful.

Being successful is not rocket science!

I am not saying that getting success is easy. No, I don’t mean that but there are few ingredients of success, which when adopted within your life and lifestyle goes a long way in getting you what you want.

It’s always a pleasure to listen to Will Smith, the famous Hollywood actor. He has achieved a level of successful through sheer grit and determination.

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Before you read more on how to become successful, I want you to watch this video. The short video is a collection of quotations by Will Smith over the years that’s just going to fire you up! Just listen to the man speak. He is awesome.

According to Will Smith, there is no shortage of talented people. People have talent but there is an acute lack of skill. Talent is inborn, it is natural but skills need to be developed. Your talent is going to fail you if you are not skilled.

What is the difference between talent and skill? Let’s say you are a born singer. You have the inborn talent to really sing well and obviously, it means there is a lot of potential. Now, what happens if you don’t polish that talent? Your talent to sing is a skill and like any other, the skill needs to be polished. Skills improve talent and create the way for success.

It is essential to have a deep sense of belief in yourself. It should be unwavering belief. A strong sense of belief is taking a leap of faith. Just like you believe that a newborn child will walk in a couple of months, there is no shaking that belief, treat your life the same way.

Why do you doubt yourself?

Everything begins in the mind. The mind is the point of germination. A seed sown in the mind with strong belief works wonders; nothing is unrealistic. The difference between realism and unrealism exists in our mind. There is nothing in the world that is unachievable.

Learn to make a choice. Making a choice is the first step towards learning how to become successful. Every one of us has the power to make choices. Making a choice is our right. Ask any successful person what separates them from others. ‘I made a choice’ will be their answer and therein lies the essence of everything. Greatness exists in all of us. Do all of us realise it? No.

Decide. Decide. Decide.

How to become Successful

Your decisions have the power to change everything. A little shift in your thought can change your entire perspective of people and situations. A shift in your thought will change how you see and value yourself.

Making a choice has redemptive power.

How to Become Successful? Read these Powerful Tips

1. Internalise Success

You can’t be successful unless you internalise the feeling. Feel the success coursing through your veins!

It could be anything. Do you want to own a million dollar business? Good. Start feeling that you’ve already achieved it; imagine a million dollar payment coming through or imagine a million dollar sitting in your bank account…and hold on to that thought, the feel, the imagination, fiercely.

This really works. It is not imaginative gibberish.

2. Be clear about what you WANT.

This is really important. Every successful person knows what he/she wants. Once they realise the wants, the obvious next step is to work towards fulfilling the want.

How to Become Successful, According to Will Smith

By wanting, I don’t mean wishful thinking. I don’t even mean desires. Wanting something is a powerful feeling. It moves you. You feel self-motivated to fulfill that want.

So, take out a paper, think what you want and write them down. Those should be without any outside influences. Don’t want something just because it is expected out of you. Want something which YOU expect out of your life and existence.

3. Develop Skills.

You need skills to fulfill any want of yours. You need business skills to become a successful businessperson. You need relationship skills to enjoy a beautiful relationship. You need leadership skills to lean a team…and so on.

Skills are needed in every aspect of our life. It is foolishness to depend on talent always and expect to receive your wants automatically.

You have to work towards it. The determination to achieve a goal is how you become successful.


Let me wrap up this piece with two quotes.

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. ~ Swami Vivekananda


All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. ~ Walt Disney

These two quotes encapsulate the complete essence of how to become successful.


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