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Fitness Bikini Body

Why Fitness Shouldn’t be About Having Bikini Bodies?

Thin is in. Thin has always been in. The fetish for thinness has made everyone wonder – is thin synonymous to fitness? With time this question is growing in the mind of everyone. Whether getting thin is the only way to acquire fitness or not is a big question.

So, what exactly is fitness? How do you define it? Acquiring bikini body is hard work. But, by having a bikini body do you acquire fitness too? Anyone who has been into the fitness world or someone who is a fitness expert will give you a different perception.

Thin might be desirable, but, it is far from being fit. Fitness is different. You are fit when your entire body is working properly. When all the organs like heart, muscles and your lungs are all working at a high level of proficiency, you are regarded as fit. However, this concept is fast disappearing and now being thin is regarded as fit.

What is Fitness? When should you consider yourself as fit?

You all need to understand that obesity is not healthy. But, being thin is not fitness either. Weight loss counts and weight loss is a part of fitness. This many don’t understand that weight loss is a part of fitness, just a small part. This comes as an added bonus when it comes to fitness and healthy life. However, fitness is beyond being slim. It is more than just being able to flaunt a bikini. When you feel good about yourself and you take back control of your life, you can call yourself fit.

Fitness Bikini Body

There are fitness programs that are known as weight loss program. There is a reason for calling them so. When you begin losing weight, you go ahead towards a fitter body. With time, you become indifferent to weight loss. You also find it easier to acquire a healthy body and strong muscles. Right work out program and diet plan help you become stronger and sharper. However, you need to find that right workout which works for you. This is not easy to find.

If you stick to weight loss only, you will lose weight. But, how about your immunity? What about your inner strength? Would the weight loss program help you fight with the latest virus which is floating in the air? This is what makes fitness more desirable than weight loss.

Fitness Deciphered

When does the journey to fitness begin? It is when you make an effort to find out the unhealthy habits you have. Yes, the unhealthy habits only weaken people from inside. You only get weak with time and the practice of the unhealthy habits. For this reason, if you want to be fit, you need to first make an effort to find out what is making you weak and unhealthy.

Weight loss alone will only make you aware of the techniques that will help you become thin. Fitness is a process. This makes you aware of everything that is working against you. From immunity building to slimming you up, this helps you complete the whole journey.

Attempting to acquire fitness turns you into a therapist. You become your own counselor with time. Eventually, you understand what works for you and what you should never indulge into. As the realization dawns in, you will automatically stay away from the habits that are considered bad for health.

Fitness is beyond physical. It exists in the mind. To acquire fitness that makes you powerful, you first need to build your mentality. When you think, drink and eat fitness, you successfully complete the journey of fitness.

Acquiring fitness is not easy. It is a journey which takes people a long way. During the journey people fail. It comes with each journey that is worth sticking to. Failure does not mean that you should quit. It means you should go about it with more intensity.

If you fail, you need to make an effort to learn about yourself. You need to learn about your body. You need to know what makes you weak. Also, it is important to know what type of workout or diet makes you healthy.

Goal Setting in Fitness

Without goal life has no limit. It does not have a way either. How would you know where to go without a goal set before you? Of course, you need to expand the goal or change it with time. But, the goal must be there. Fitness too requires goal setting. You need to set some realistic goals for yourself. You need to keep proceeding towards these goals, no matter what.

Fitness Deciphered

Fat is not fit. However, a bikini figure might not be fit either. To acquire a bikini figure, people give up eating. Balanced diet is the most important part of fitness. Staying away from food that generate energy makes people go weak. That is not fit. If you cannot withstand the challenges of daily life, you are fit.

You might be thin. You might be proud of that bikini body, but, if the latest virus makes you sick, you need to think about your fitness. Workout and balanced diet work together to acquire health. It is not all physical either. Both mind and body change when you acquire true fitness. Confidence is the main result which fitness can build.

Fitness has very little to do with weight. Of course, weight loss is important. When you look beyond the think body, you will understand that acquiring fitness requires harder work. Obesity does not mean that you are unhealthy. It might not look beautiful. But, even obese people can be healthy, if their heart, lungs and other body parts work well.

However, if you explore, you will find that obese people are rarely healthy and fit. This is because the reason of obesity is the unhealthy way of living. Junk food and alcohol defines the lives of these people. They are unhealthy not because they are overweight but because they live unhealthily.

If you want to acquire fitness, you need to go after it totally. The objective should be to live quality life, not a life that allows you to wear bikini. Sometimes thin body gets affected by affliction more than fat bodies.


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