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Let Nothing Hold you Back from Success

8 Beliefs Hold You Back From Success

Success is a mindset. As any successful person will tell you, it is necessary to possess the right mindset to gain something out of life.

The main reason to hold you back from success is the lack of the right mindset and attitude. Lack of confidence and willpower negates our chances of success.

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Let’s explore some beliefs to hold you back from success.

Let Nothing Hold you Back from Success

1.     Complacent Lifestyle

Being contended with life is anti-success. If you’re contended, there’s nothing to strive for anymore. It is necessary to keep the hunger and passion alive to achieve something.

More than contended attitude, it is the complacent lifestyles which hold you back from success. We are set in our ways and we often hate any change. Success is all about change!

2.     Damning Lack of Self-Confidence

Questioning your self-confidence happens at some points in life but a total lack of self-confidence is a disaster recipe to hold you back from success. A lack of self-confidence creates self-doubts, where you don’t consider yourself worthy and question your worthiness.

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This is a completely negative attitude. Start changing it. You’re worth more than you realise. Maybe people around you don’t support or share positive vibrations but let it not dampen your confidence levels.

March ahead with full self-confidence.

3.     Being a People Pleaser

A lot of people continue to lead mediocre lives, despite having distaste for it, because they are being a people pleaser. As such, you want to do things which please people and doing something on your own like starting your own business doesn’t have any priority because you think – ‘What will people say?’

Thus, you spoiled a chance of doing something out of your life by validating what other people will think of your actions.

Chuck this attitude. Do whatever you want. People, who really adore, respect and understand you will stand by your decisions, always.

4.     Icarus Thought

In Greek mythology, Icarus ignored his father’s warning, strapped on waxen wings, flew near the sun, the wings melted and Icarus drowned.

Most non-achievers act like Icarus. The path of success is tough and full of thorns. But, if Icarus had taken calculated risk, he wouldn’t have drowned. If you want to achieve success, don’t be act like Icarus. Take calculated risk and never be afraid of failure.

If you fail, get up and get going.

5.     Lack of Trust

I realise that trusting someone is tough in this modern world. You never know who stabs you once the back is turned! But, let not this nature turn you into a bitter and cynical person because trust is an important factor to success.

Your lack of trust is responsible to hold you back from success. It is fine to seek support from others and even perhaps seem vulnerable at times but don’t leave trust out of the equation.

6.     Time Excuses

Ask someone ‘why you didn’t do this’ and the prompt reply is ‘it’s too late to [excuses]’. The Universe doesn’t understand time. Time is omnipresent so why are you letting time to become a hindrance.

For instance, if you already 30+, becoming a world class gymnast won’t be possible. But surely you can get associated with the field in other capacities, if you have the passion? Isn’t it?

Stop giving excuses.

Stop telling yourself how you can’t achieve a certain goal. Tell yourself reasons how you can achieve them.

7.     No One Believes in You

That’s an absolute lie if I ever heard one!

First, why would you want anyone to validate you by believing in you? Second, what happened to self-belief?

True, we do want people close to us to believe us but all that doesn’t matter much if you don’t believe in yourself. Always remember that people treat you as you treat yourself. It’s not pop psychology but a proven sociological fact. It’s like when people see you; signals are transmitted, telling them how they should treat you.

Believe in yourself. Don’t let lack of belief hold you back from success.

8.     No Opportunity

NO one is going to place opportunity on a plate and hand it over to you. It is you who have to seek opportunity and make it work to your fullest advantage.

Opportunity is like a season. Like seasons come and go, opportunity follows the same rule. You have to be ready for the season to draw maximum benefit.

Always lookout for opportunities because you never know when one knocks on your door or window!


Our lack of success rests entirely in our headspace, which is filled with limiting beliefs. Let go of the limiting beliefs and let nothing hold you back from success.


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