Category: Productivity
6 Ways to Be More Persistent
Learning the ways to be more persistent could be the turning point in your life. Napoleon Hill once said: The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job. Persistence is an admirable quality. A person who possesses persistence is determined to move ahead and achieve despite…
Business Partnership: Consider these 9 Qualities First
A friend of mine decided to start a travel business, along with four people. These four people were the cash investors while my friend would run the business. Initially, the four of them were happy to let my friend take charge of everything but within few months, their investments started to turn scarce and they…
6 Reasons Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Competition
“In business, the competition will bite you if you keep running; if you stand still, they will swallow you”, Victor Kiam. In 2014, the American Express Small Business Monitor polled 661 Canadian companies having less than 100 employees. The poll results revealed that 71% of the companies excelled in customer service. It means that 71%…
8 Secrets of Public Speaking
For most of the people among us, public speaking is a forbearing task. Most of us will not take the challenge of stepping over the dais, and giving a speech to people on a topic mastered by him/her. But why is this such a scary thing for us, while a few others can face the…
5 Steps to Avoiding Distractions
How many of your work hours are actually productive? The productive hours are those spent in creating or accomplishing something. If ones calculate honestly, we spend about 4 hours out of 8-9 hours in actual productive work. The reason for this is distraction. Distraction is the enemy of focus. Avoiding distractions calls for specific work…
10 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Self-Esteem
I Used To Feel Sorry For Myself Because I had Holes In My Shoes Until I Meet A Man With No Feet The judgment of your own worthiness is self esteem. It is a term used in psychological studies to evaluate the emotional balance…