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Category: Productivity

  • 11 Things Productive People Do and You Don’t

    11 Things Productive People Do and You Don’t

    When it comes to productivity, some people seem to work twice as hard as others in the same amount of time; they have ability to complete things. While juggling multiple projects, they without fail, reach their goals. 11 Things Productive People do and You Don’t Here they are: #1 They focus on each minute, not…

  • 9 Productivity Killing Distractions and Avoiding Them

    9 Productivity Killing Distractions and Avoiding Them

    Most productivity killing distractions are the result of technological advancements. It is common to see people obsessing over social media platforms, even though technology also helps us perform better at our jobs. A 2014 Pew Research Center survey reported that “46% of employed online adults say the Internet has made them more productive at work,…

  • The Power of Believing Can Move Mountains

    The Power of Believing Can Move Mountains

    Authored by Rhonda Byrne, The Secret, is what instilled in me the power of believing. In 2013, I was experiencing turbulent times – relationship issues, financial hardship and an unstable family life. I was depressed, contemplated suicide and was on the brink of giving up everything when The Secret landed on my doorstep as an…

  • Apply 10-3-2-1-0 Productivity Hack for Excellent Results

    Apply 10-3-2-1-0 Productivity Hack for Excellent Results

    Craig Ballantyne, a fitness coach and author, designed the 10-3-2-1-0 productivity hack, I knew it needs to be tried and tested. I am big on productivity and swear by discipline. From the Pomodoro technique to Eisenhower Method, I have tried all and they worked, as did the 10-3-2-1-0 productivity hack. What is the 10-3-2-1-0 Productivity…

  • How to Increase Mental Strength?

    How to Increase Mental Strength?

    Mental strength is about emotional regulation, thought management and behaving in a positive manner irrespective of whatever circumstance life throws at you. To increase mental strength, you not only need willpower but huge doses of commitment and hard work. You need to establish healthy habits and give up the unhealthy habits that stops you from…

  • 10 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs You Should Learn & Apply in Your Life

    10 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs You Should Learn & Apply in Your Life

    There are reasons why entrepreneurs are successful and you are not! What separates truly successful entrepreneurs from the pack? The answers have very little, if anything, to do with money. The most successful entrepreneurs don’t just own a business – they are ambitious innovators with an appetite for smart risk. 10 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs…