Category: Productivity
Two Ingredients all Entrepreneurs must Possess to be Successful
Curiosity and creativity are like two peas in a pod; both are the essential ingredient for the success of any entrepreneur. Simply putting it, you want to know more when you are curious. You try to find reasons and then eventually, you create something new which was never thought of, something which could be there…
5 Reasons Why Your Thoughts are Creating Your Reality
“If you want to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose. When you wake up, you cannot just wait to see what kind of day you will have. You have to decide what kind of day you will have.” –Joel Osteen The decision of what kind of day you will have is a…
5 Action Steps To Rise From Defeat
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross We have all faced the struggles of defeat, but it is how we deal with a defeat that will define us in the end and…
How to Stop Self-Doubt from Crippling Your Success?
Once the great American poet Sylvia Plath said – The worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt. Truly, self-doubt can be a powerful and persuasive voice which holds you back. It is like an anchor that keeps our ship of success from sailing. It holds you back from grabbing excellent opportunities. It makes getting started and…
How to Become the Master of Managing Time?
As cliché as it sounds, the proverb, ‘Time and tide wait for none,’ can’t be any truer. We tend to take time for granted and end up getting stressed out about not having enough time to finish a particular task or reach a goal. So, you might be wondering; ‘Why everyone keeps talking about the…
10 Reasons Why You Must Focus on the Moment
How many times have you told someone to live in the moment or to concentrate at the moment? Probably, you have done it a hundred of times. Now, the real question is – do you follow this advice in your own life? Yes, living in the moment sounds easier than done. We find it incredibly…