Category: Productivity
Manage your Energy, Not Your Time
While growing up, we all were familiar with the saying ‘Time and Tide wait for none’ and from then only, the importance of time has been ingrained within us. And since then only we have been trying hard to race with time, to reach our goals and dream destinations. It is indeed a necessity to…
Why Speed of Implementation is a Key Factor to Acquire Wealth?
Business has changed over the years, with the inclusion of modern technology things have grown leaps and bounds. Business owners have two options ahead of them, either they could lag behind and let their business suffer, or jump onto the bandwagon, acknowledge the change and get going accordingly. Business has become a lot faster these…
6 Steps to End Laziness
We all have heard at some point of our life the adjective ‘lazy, ‘ and most often we have used the excuse of ‘laziness’ to shrug off responsibilities, least knowing how intense the effects of this apparently silly ‘disease’ is. Yes indeed, laziness is a disease which is at once physical, mental and behavioral and…
5 Tools you Will need to run an Automated Online Business
With the widespread of the internet and its facilities, many interested entrepreneurs have managed to get the much-needed exposure to showcase their business talents. Online businesses are quite in vogue and do not necessarily require the companies to endorse products or have own websites. If making money is your aim through online business, then there…
10 Ways to Power Charge Your Day
At which point does your vitality fail? You don’t have to explain, because, there is a wide possibility that we all know about it already. Filtered through huge amounts of research on rest, digestion system, stress, and chronobiology to distinguish the circumstances when you’re most defenseless against weakness— here we have formulated an idiot proof…
How to deal with Anxiety Attacks and Depression?
Depression and anxiety attacks are too common these days, especially because of stress, loneliness, social media and many other things. Let us browse through and discuss different ways of dealing with anxiety attacks and depression. Let us first consider what is depression and how is it connected to anxiety attacks and why is depression caused?…