Category: Lifestyle
4 Main Steps to Achieving Greatness
It’s tough to define greatness. Achieving greatness is an attitude; it is about achieving your goals and dreams. Here are some steps to achieving greatness. · Visualization Visualization is a powerful tool that helps to plan our life. How? The brain processes images faster than anything. For centuries, scholars and philosophers agree to the statement…
6 Reasons Why You Suck At Golf
Golf is not an easy game. Unless you’re one of those types who play golf once a year on a whim, you need to get your bearings together and learn how not to suck at golf. The real secret to playing great golf is to know how to learn golfing. Here are some reasons why…
Sugar: The New Tobacco Of The 21st Century
Sugar: The New Tobacco of the 21st Century Wait – sugar and tobacco? How can they possibly be compared? Tobacco is a highly addictive substance with several side effects and sugar is just a sweetener to make food taste good…isn’t it? Maybe not. Studies are suggesting that sugar might be more addictive than previously thought.…
Are You Living In The Real World?
Are You Living In The Real World? You were set up to fail. You were lied to. It started in Kindergarten. You were told that if you did well in Kindergarten, you would move into First Grade. Of course, the idea of First Grade was appealing to your little Kindergarten self, so you worked hard…
7 Signs that Reveal a Cheating Partner
7 Signs that Reveal a Cheating Partner If you’ve never had someone cheat on you before, you might just think your spouse is acting weird. Or that your girlfriend is going through a mid-life crisis. Or those exams are just stressing your boyfriend out. But anyone that…
Is Fast Food Super Sizing Your Waistline
Is Fast Food Super Sizing Your Waistline It seems like you can’t go around the corner these days without seeing a McDonald’s, , Arby’s, Wendy’s or other fast food restaurant calling out to you. They are everywhere you go and there seems to be a hundred reasons to…