Category: Fitness
Why Fitness Shouldn’t be About Having Bikini Bodies?
Thin is in. Thin has always been in. The fetish for thinness has made everyone wonder – is thin synonymous to fitness? With time this question is growing in the mind of everyone. Whether getting thin is the only way to acquire fitness or not is a big question. So, what exactly is fitness? How…
Top Fitness Apps Recommended for 2016
Everyone wants a toned and fit figure. But fitness is not something to think about once, go through a checklist and then forget. It is something which you need to do on a daily basis. In the busy schedule of life, the professionals hardly get time to hit the gym floor. But, then what is…
Boredom and Unhealthy Foods – What’s the Connection?
The alarm bell rings. You curse your luck for the beginning of another day, where nothing can happen to be productive. The morning sun is glowing with the same brightness, the water in the tap remains to be of the same temperature, and even the breakfast on the table has got no change. Then after…
Post-natal Fitness Guide for Moms
Post-natal fitness exercises provide the new moms with a whole range of benefits. Exercises help to stimulate your post-natal recovery. During the time of pregnancy, your lungs and heart become more efficient and stronger. However, you must consult with your health care provider before getting back to the exercise routine on a regular basis. The…
Waste a little bit of time in sleeping, it is necessary!
Once you visit a doctor, there are certain regulatory health tips which they will definitely provide you verbally, no matter for what reason you have visited. Eat healthy, do some exercise, yoga or free-hand may be and yes get some good sleep. As soon as the doctor advise us to follow these three healthy habits,…
7 Tips to Maximize Muscle Definition
The science of health and fitness is ever-changing. Since the subject is expansive, we are going to touch upon a particular but important area of physical fitness – muscle definition. During weight training, the main intention is to gain muscle and strength. However, due to wrong guidance or deliberate intention, people tend to “bulk up”.…