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How to deal with Anxiety Attacks and Depression?

Depression and anxiety attacks are too common these days, especially because of stress, loneliness, social media and many other things. Let us browse through and discuss different ways of dealing with anxiety attacks and depression. Let us first consider what is depression and how is it connected to anxiety attacks and why is depression caused?

What is Depression?

Depression is a disease, a state of mental illness, a disease caused by loneliness, a state where a mind needs a friend to talk; a lonely heart needs someone to love, it’s an inner turmoil. It is those unspoken words which are left inside the person but never heard by anyone. Still, that person wants to shout and say it loud but he can’t, these can be anxiety attacks, and they can even lead to depression.

This melancholy, sadness, despondency, hopelessness and low spirits can happen to anyone, absolutely to anyone, from an ordinary person to a celebrity, to a person from the rich or elite class or to a poor person. According to researches, privileged teens may be more self-centered and depressed than even before.


If talk about celebrities, then we have two recent examples, like Deepika Padukone, who was recently suffering from depression. Despite she touching the heights of success, with the strings of blockbuster movies and leading a luxurious life, she suffered depression. After this, she got committed to this cause and founded a Bangalore-base Live, Love, Laugh Foundation on October 10 (World Health Mental Day), 2015.

Another example we have, Selena Gomez, an American actress and singer who appeared in children’s television series on Disney channel. She also fought depression and used to visit a rehabilitation center to get cured.

Types of Depression

They are:

Major Depression: Sometimes known as a Major depressive disorder, clinical depression. The symptoms can be seen and remain for at least two weeks. It can be due to your social relationships or work.

Bipolar Disorder: It is known as Manic Depression because the person experiences periods of mania and depression, with intermittent periods of normal moods. It is most likely linked with family history. Stress and conflict are suffered by the people in this condition.

Cyclothymic Disorder: It is often known as the milder or subsided bipolar disorder.  A person suffering from it, witnesses super fluctuating moods over an extended period.

Dysthymic Disorder: It is similar to major depression, but it is less severe. However, symptoms last longer.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A disorder associated with the mood that has a seasonal pattern. For example, if a person is sad throughout the winter, then he will suffer the same thing every winter, and at the end of the month, it will get subsided. People in this disorder experiences, lack of energy, sleep too much, gain weight, and suffer such things.

Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Not the Same

These are two different things, but people suffering from depression, mostly experience symptoms similar to anxiety disorders such as nervousness, insomnia, irritability, and lack of concentration. Each disorder has its causes and its own emotional and behavioral symptoms.

Many people who have depression have a history of anxiety disorder in life. There is no such proof that one disorder causes the other. However, many people suffer from both disorders.

Dealing with Anxiety Attacks and Depression

One can pick the correct approach road to recovery from depression. It can be treated successfully with self-help strategies or with the help of medications. Let us discuss a few of these ways.

#1 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

It is the most efficient form of treatment for panic attacks, and panic disorders. It helps you think about your fear. It triggers your thinking pattern and behavior. It brings you in a more realistic world rather than the consequences you were thinking about that would happen but not yet took place.

#2 Exposure Therapy for Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder:

In this therapy,  you are made to encounter panic attacks that are simulated in a controlled and safe environment. It allows you to learn healthier ways of coping with anxiety. The therapists use different exercise techniques. For example, they may ask you to hyperventilate, shake your head from side to side, or hold your breath.

#3 Medication Treatment:

It can reduce or temporarily control the symptoms of the panic disorder, but it does not treat or cure it permanently. People prefer not to take medication until he or she is too serious.  Medication numbs your mind and lets you sleep, and it is bad for health. Medications can include drugs such as Anti-depressants or Benzodiazepines.

#4 Self-help Tips:  If you do not like medication, this is the most efficient and best way to cure you.
Communicate: Try to speak to someone who you can trust and share what is happening in your life. It will reduce some burden on your heart, and you will feel relaxed. Let the negativity come out of your body.

  • Meditate: Try to wake up early in the morning and give yourself at least 10 minutes or half an hour to compose your mind. Talk to yourself and ask what is bothering me so much and what can I do to come out of this stage. Ask yourself this question daily. You will get the answer. It will help you in seeking and pacifying your inner turmoil.
  • Exercise: Either do yoga or exercise, whatever you feel like. It will relax your muscles, mind and will keep you fit, mentally and physically. Doing at least one form of physical exercise is crucial. It makes you more energetic and warms your inner soul.
  • Read: Read a lot of self-help books that can guide you to happiness such as The mindful way through depression, The happiness trap, and such others. There are many books which can help you overcome depression. It is an old saying that books are your best friend, so maybe you will find a friend in a book.
  • Avoid Smoking, Alcohol, and Caffeine: This can provoke results like drowsiness, and it is the worst scenario for your health. Therefore, it is better to get rid of these habits, as soon as possible.
  • Try to Connect with Your Family: If you cannot share anything with outsiders than your family is the best and safest place where you can keep your secrets. You, however, have to make a good bond with them. When you see them happy, contagiously you may also feel happy.
  •  Get Enough Sleep: One of the leading causes of depression is that people take sleeping casually and in an insufficient amount. At least, sleep for 6-7 hrs a day. It is a fundamental requirement of your life.

The Gist

Depression, as we have discussed can be due to many reasons. Especially in this era of social media, people are more prone to depression. It is a curable state only if a person wants to cure himself. No one can help until the person is willing from inside to surpass this and lead a normal life. A depressed person will look utterly beautiful from the outside but totally broken from inside. People have overcome this problem and started leading a happy and normal life. Nonetheless,  the advancement in the treatment of anxiety disorders will continue to bring high hope and relief to the people.


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