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Waste a little bit of time in sleeping, it is necessary!

Once you visit a doctor, there are certain regulatory health tips which they will definitely provide you verbally, no matter for what reason you have visited. Eat healthy, do some exercise, yoga or free-hand may be and yes get some good sleep.

As soon as the doctor advise us to follow these three healthy habits, we are like those trained animals in a circus, doing exactly the same thing as instructed. Having proper food at a right time, discarding all the oily stuffs, making breakfast, lunch and dinner balanced, getting into some proper meditation or aerobics and sometimes we even hit the gym, paying a monthly package.

Apart from all these, there is another important activity in which we get involved and that is a proper sleep of eight-hour duration. People suddenly start believing, that these are seriously some great benefits which should be acquired.

Unfortunately, the tips and its execution get dissolved over time. Just the way priorities change, in the same way, a healthy conscious mind gets transformed into a carefree one which has nothing to do with health and its goodness.


It becomes very difficult to make people understand, the value of being healthy and the importance of having a good sound sleep with no such interruption.  Is it really possible? Does it add any value? Are we not wasting time for many hours, just by sleeping?  There are many such explanation calls. Still, who will make us understand the truth that all the work, which we do in our conscious sense, can be done in a better way after having a proper sleep. A sleep is a necessity for every person who is either working or even sitting idle. At the end, the body is also a machine and even it needs rest. So it’s better to let the body take some rest for few hours before it gets active again in full motion.

Why Sleeping is Essential?

Making the brain work in a better way and delivering some productive work, it is very important to take a proper nap.  You will notice that a fresh mind can be applied on any difficult task and the result will be positive in no time. Henceforth, sleep has got no alternative, when it comes to enhancement of one’s productivity.

This may not be enough to make people understand the importance of sleep. So let’s discuss the reasons which are actually true and to the best of some experts’ knowledge, that it is compulsory to fall asleep for healing the mind and body.

#1 Thinking gets improved

Suppose there is a client presentation tomorrow in the office. Now the entire responsibility is given to you. Well quite a big thing right? The client needs to get satisfied with your brief.

So, what you have planned is to stay awake the entire night, work in absolute silence and make sure, you give some best inputs in your presentation. Just for once, cancel this plan and try something new. Very simply, sleep early at night, wake up early in the morning, go to office, sip a cup of rich coffee and sit with your presentation.

You will soon realize that your ideas have just got better and you have put some best elements in the presentation, on which the client will just have no choice to seek an alternative.  It’s just because of a proper sleep, that your thinking ability has got improved in delivering some productive things.

#2 Lowers down the bad temper

There are many people who has got a very bad temper early in the morning and that remains the whole day. The situation gets worst, when either the boss in the workplace or the professor in college is undergoing this bad temper phase for the whole day.

Generally, people consider this to be a human habit but actually it is just a little disability which takes place due to continuous working of the mind. A mind needs rest and for that advice your boss or professor to have some good sleep at night, so that the morning becomes good for both you and him.

#3 Physical health gets improved

Leaving aside the gym, free hand exercise and proper food diet, the most important activity for a proper health condition is to have a sound sleep at night. Every day, a proper sleeping exercise will automatically improve the health condition.

Both the mind and the body will work properly.  It is very truly said, that when the mind and body is at peace then the productivity at work is always at its best.  Waste your time in sleeping; it will help to make your work productive.

#4 Insomnia

Quite a friendly term, for most people of this generation.  This is actually a serious threat to life, the inability to sleep. May be work pressure or some other kind of personal anxiety affects the person and make both his mental and physical condition down at a zero level.

Don’t stay awake till late at night by watching movies and reading books. You may never know when insomnia has affected you and once it does both your health and the ability to work in a productive way gets completely rotten.  Save yourself and every other life from this sleeplessness.

#5 Think, concentrate and focus

This is actually the concluding point which will clearly reflect that proper sleep actually helps in doing some productive work and achieve a better result.  To do any work which might be a skilled one or a semi skilled, every individual needs a clear and rust free mind to think, concentrate and focus.  These three elements can only work inside the brain, if it takes a little bit of rest at night. So, in order to achieve a better result never compromise on your sleep.

So from now, let’s just follow the nature’s rule by working hard in the morning and sleeping as soon as night falls. Try to follow this routine every day and soon you will realize that the work productivity is getting better and better with time.


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