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7 Health Tips for Women Over 60

Only a handful of women can manage to stay fit and healthy when they cross 60 years of age. Others are plagued with health problems, emotional vacuum and a weak body. Maintaining fitness as a senior citizen is not easy.

Sixty and beyond are the golden years. There is retirement, senior discounts, early bird dinners, time to enjoy with grandchildren, gardening, golfing and more. Sixties can be a vibrant phase provided we take care of our health.

It is true that aging increases the risk of certain health problems such as cancers, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, heart diseases and more. But, all these and more can be avoided if you remain aware and take preventive measures such as:

  • Being aware of warning signs for serious medical conditions.
  • If there are things which are weird, talk to your doctor. Share concerns and follow what the doctor says.
  • Always follow the healthcare recommendations of your health care providers for examinations, diagnostic tests, screening procedures and other preventive measures.

In a previous article, we wrote about health tips for women over 40. You should also check this out.

health tips

Health Tips for Women over 60

In this article, we will share a handful of health tips for women over 60. Share it with the beautiful women in your life!

7 Health Tips for Women over 60

Here you go:

#1 Increase Water Intake; Reduce Salts and Sugar

You should never allow your body to get dehydrated. Lack of water will create constipation and unbalance body fluids, which is extremely harmful in your ripe age. Have 7-8 glasses of water daily. Keep it as a mixture of lukewarm and natural tap water. Avoid cold water unless the heat is unbearable. If you do not want to have just water, drink green teas and herbal teas. They help a lot in keeping body balanced and prevents water retention too. On the other side, you should also reduce intake of sugar and salts as it harms the body.

#2 Do a Complete Physical Health Check-Up

Ideally, women should go for regular health check-ups once they hit 30. If you haven’t already, go for full body check-up quarterly. Ask your physician to write a prescription. Health check-ups are expensive so if money is a problem, go for government health drives and discounted check-ups. If something problematic turns up in results, don’t ignore.

Being in the 60s is a wonderful phase to be but it can be marred by bad health. More often than not, women in various cultures tend to ignore their health until it is too late. Keep going for regular check-ups and keep track of your health.

#3 Do Yoga or Cardio Exercises

It is never too late to get healthy. Women over 60 can easily get enrolled in cardio programs or yoga workouts that are tailored to fit the physical requirements of the elderly. This is an age where you do not need to worry about weight issues, unless you are morbidly obese and quite frankly, 60 is too late an age to start thinking about losing weight. Anyways, join health programs that are targeted towards keeping you fit and firm. Avoid excessive dieting. Eat what you want but in controlled portions. Exercise thrice a week and see the difference.

#4 Ensure Healthy Food Intake

Women over 60 are at a stage when their health is fragile and wrongful food consumption will deteriorate health further. Moreover, when you are under heavy medication, eating the right food is more important. Consult a dietician and the prescribed diet plan. By a ‘diet’ plan, I do not mean you should starve yourself. You should be wary of what is going on inside the body. Try to consume foods which are closer to how nature produced them. Avoid preserved food at all costs.

#5 Increase Sleeping Hours

Unlike the 20s and the 30s when you are a spinning wheel who did not require much sleep, the 60s are a different ballgame altogether. Women over 60 are at a stage when they are beyond pregnancy, child bearing and the menopause stage. You are leading a less stressful life which should induce good sleep but the truth is otherwise. It happens that when one ages, sleep becomes less, unless one is very weak and sick. Nevertheless, your body needs rest so try sleeping for at least 7-8 hours every night.

#6 Give up Smoking and Drinking

If you want to enjoy the remaining years of your life healthily, it’s time to give up smoking and drinking. In fact, you should get health tested first to find if smoking and drinking has caused any adverse effects to your health or not. You will be lucky to get a good report. Kick the butt and bottle, and increase lifeline.

#7 Don’t be Lonely

There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. At this age, you should surround yourself with family members, children and grandchildren. There is no point in staying or feeling lonely. This mental attitude will negatively harm your health. Create a social circle, join women-only vacation groups, and attend festivities and other things. Surround yourself with people, you will feel fresh always.


Women over 60 should follow these health tips religiously. At the twilight of your life, you need to work towards preserving health and fitness. It increases lifespan and doesn’t make you dependent on others.


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