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Becoming Fearless

7 Steps on How to Become Fearless In the Journey of Life

Science has proven that the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises are the only two fears inborn in any human. The fears became embedded in our DNA in the struggle for survival. Any other fear we experience is completely induced.

Understand this information and churn it in your mind. On the basis of what I just revealed, isn’t it now completely possible that the fears and anxieties experienced by you, or anyone, in this life are completely induced?

In other words, if you are unable to achieve something in life, professionally or personally, due to any inner kind of fears, isn’t the fear completely meaningless?

Think about it.

I know, since we harbor a lot of fears within us, it’s not easy to dispel all of them instantly. But, it can be done.


Let’s learn the 7 ways with which you can become fearless and face life head-on.

Become Fearless

1.    Become Fearless with Awareness

How are you going to get rid of fear if you aren’t aware of its existence within you? The first step is to become aware that fear resides in you. Perhaps, it has been residing all along. Once the realization hits, write down all the things you’re afraid of in life. It could be anything!

2.    Become Objective

Once the fears are written on paper, go through it again and again. Take each fear, for instance, and objectively analyse what it is that makes you afraid of the person or thing. What happens when you feel the fear and how do you react to it? You need to analyse yourself objectively. As you continue to do, some of the fears will seem very fickle and nonsensical.

3.    Develop a Role Model

You’ll notice that all successful people are fearless. They took complete control of their life and reached a status where they always wanted.

Find and create a list or collage of such fearless successful people and look at them. I mean really look at them!

As you do, think of how you want your personality and life to shape up in the future, near and far. Associate the images of fearless people with your desired personality, and become your own role model. The role model is the person that you’re going to be few years down the line. Strive to achieve that role model.

4.    Believe in Gratitude

Gratitude is the act of being thankful and appreciative about your life, towards people who make your life better. It’s basically being thankful for living a fulfilling life.

A lot of people don’t believe in gratitude. Whenever you are feeling afraid of anything, start practicing gratitude by recounting things going on with your life that you’re thankful of. Be grateful of this life, of its opportunities and become fearless.

5.    Start Sharing

We stop ourselves from sharing our fears and apprehensions as we feel that people are going to laugh and make fun of us. The truth is millions of others are battling the same fears and anxieties. They are also looking for an empathic ear that can make them feel a sense of belonging.

What you should do is find and associate with similar minded people, and share experiences. It will help you to sort out fears.

6.    Get Motivation

Motivational and inspirational stories really do wonders to our confidence and self-esteem. Get hold of motivational and inspirations books and carry them everywhere. Such books do good to mentor our mental mindset. We become more positive and approach life with more focus and confidence.

7.    Power of Visualization

Visualization is a powerful tool to get read of fears and lead life with a far better positive outlook.

Imagine a situation where your reaction will usually be fearful. Now, modify your perspectives and imagine the same situation where the same fear is coming towards you BUT your reaction is different this time. You face the fear head-on and overcome it. As you keep imagining such situations, your mind registers this and slowly, the feeling of fear begins to recede.

The true test of this step is when a really similar fearful situation comes towards you but you react with positivity and not with the previous fearful demeanor.

Visualization is a powerful tool to become fearless.


Fear is induced; fear is not a natural emotion. Therefore, don’t let it fester inside you. If you already have, use these steps to get rid of fear and become fearless.


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