take actin

Why You Need to Take Massive Action to Get Results?

Massive action leads to enormous success. The effort must be persistent. If you wish to live your dream, you need to take action. Enormous action leads to massive success. Massive work is the price that you have to pay if you want to taste success in your life.

You have to move forward towards your goals and overcome the challenges and obstacles encountered in the path. Your actions must be supercharged with extreme willpower.

There is no substitute for massive action. Massive action is doing anything consistently that takes you closer to your goal. Read the points below to know its significance:

What does it mean to Take Massive Action?

Massive action is that one thing that has been mastered by highly successful people. Average people avoid taking massive action. It requires trying or doing more than anyone else. It tends to exhaust us but also brings us closer to our goal. Challenge yourself and take action the drive to succeed requires a massive effort.

If you introduce massive action in your life, you need to be focused on your destination. Take complete ownership of your problems, mistakes, failures so that you can identify and rectify them.

-Knowledge is not Power Always

Learning can be power only when it is utilized appropriately with action. Knowledge alone is just information and if it is not applied with action mere possession of knowledge has no value. Successful people can act on intelligence.

Many people are aware of this fact. Life will not change by reading; reading is a passive act you are only consuming information. Rich and powerful people do not have Ph.D.’s and Masters Degree; their life is dominated by taking massive action and not a passive activity.

-Handle More Than You Can

Successful individuals know the value of work. They invest their precious time and energy on doing stuff. Success is not available for free of cost nor is it easy. People who have achieved success have overworked than other people, they have stretched themselves and gone beyond their limits. They have invested in themselves, and by continually doing more they can easily handle more task. There is no need for comparison with others but to do more and be more productive. Your confidence increases as your productivity increases.

– Excuses to Avoid Massive Action

Everyone wants success but do not get it because they fail to take massive action. Just having a goal will not guarantee its accomplishment. It requires the force of work. People rationalize their lack of effort and hold themselves back because of three main reasons:

Firstly people do not want to experience any physical or mental discomfort. They do not want to leave their comfort zone. They do not want to struggle to accomplish something that makes them super proud of themselves. So they keep procrastinating things for the next day instead of embracing taking the risk. Or they focus on playing perfectionist games which in reality brings them closer to their goal only on the upper surface. Deep within they are aware that this way they can stay within their comfort zone.

The second factor is fear, and this natural human nature tends to hold back people. The hesitation to attempt on something new because of fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, fear of criticism or rejection prevents them from harnessing their real potential. It narrows down their personality and elevates the possibility of success. Success is achieved when the focus is on the goal and not on fear. Do not let fear dominate your decisions.

The third roadblock is a form of fear and is called the fear of uncertainty. We cannot control the consequences of our actions that we perform to attain our goal. These doubts steal the chances of fulfilling their dreams. They only focus on activities that give predictable outcomes. Uncertainty is uncomfortable but can provide most significant rewards for success.

If an individual overcomes these three mental obstacles, then there is a vast scope of new opportunities, growth, and success. Uncomfortable can turn into comfort with practice. Change your mindset and change your life. Do not resist yourself act towards new opportunities and challenges. Do not shrink yourself in the comfort zone. Embrace discomfort till it becomes your new comfort zone.

Obstacles are inevitable in life, and nobody can anticipate the future with accuracy, accept this and open up yourself to gain momentum in growth. Magic happens with massive action. Implement strategies that allow to overcome these obstacles and move forward do not get caught up in the past and regret your failures. Failures are a part of life and stepping stones to success. Successful people do not give up easily.

-Take Action and Move

Dreams demand action to turn into reality. It is a simple concept, but yet people are not able to accomplish their goal. A doer will always turn into an achiever with proper strategies and action plans. Accept no excuses to stop you from taking action. If you take quick work, they will surely boost up your motivation level, and you will achieve more.

David Allen, the author of the bestseller “book Getting Things Done,” has highlighted the idea of breaking the task into small action steps to achieve them. Like if you want to tune your car it should not be noted on your to-do list unless you are a mechanic. Break it into small action plans, and it goes like this:

Tune my car – Find favourite mechanic – contact the garage – fix an appointment.

When the steps are specified in small action plans the chances of the objective being achieved is greater. To-do list is useful when the levels are defined precisely. A vague to-do list is the main reason for the task being passed on to the next day.

If the task mentioned in the to-do list is bright and with concrete action steps it has a significant impact and helps to focus on getting it done. There is no aimless wondering to get it accomplished as each step is completed the doer gets closer to the goal and build momentum to take more massive action.

-Motivation Fuels Massive Action

Motivation is that element that can help to achieve the most extraordinary thing in life. it is that passion and excitement that makes you move and take massive action naturally. Have realistic goals that are achievable within your time frame. Sharpen your skills and prepare small sub-goals that leads towards your final target. Be honest with yourself and aspire to succeed in something that ignites your passion. Get utterly biased towards massive action and act on any new, good idea.


If you are doing the right thing and are on the right path enormous work will lead you towards your goal. Review your present action plan and check your progress. Tune and change your strategies if you are skeptical about it.

There must be constant tracking and analysis, monitoring and adjustments of the necessary actions required to succeed. When you start tasting the divine taste of success, you will be inspired and motivated to take massive work and will be proud of yourself.


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