Why is Multitasking Unproductive?

Multitasking is a productivity killer which is often masked as a method for becoming absurdly efficient.

Multitasking is unproductive. Why? Our brain is incapable of multitasking, which proves that this method should be kept away from business life. When multitasking is done, your brain is switching between contexts. It means that you are switching back and forth between various tasks instead of doing them at the same time. The rate of error enhances by 50% when trying to multitask, and it takes twice the amount of time to get things done, according to Brain Rules.

The problem with multitasking is that you end up giving each task less attention than it deserves that leads to poor performance. Whenever you are working on a single task, your prefrontal cortex is used to help you to achieve your goals. But, when you try to do multitasking, you will get fed up, having to split up its resources, it disallows you from performing at full capacity.

According to an article released in March 2011, multitasking is possible only if it attains when two conditions are met. First, one of the tasks should be deep-rooted, for that complete focus is required. Secondly, they involve different types of brain processing sensors.

The article explains that listening to music without lyrics is possible because reading comprehension and processing music engage different parts of the brain. If the music has lyrics, the retention power of the brain significantly decreases because both the activities take place in the language center of the brain. All these messages you read seriously affect your ability to respond, participate in meetings, and listen to a client.

Reduces Productivity

Although we like multitasking, when it comes to reality, you do agree that it consumes your work life in many ways. Multitasking affects people’s productivity by decreasing their work quality and spoils creative task. Too much multitasking can make you delay more often. It is also the bad habit that will not allow you to reach your goals.


Switching tasks more often can break down concentration levels of an individual, and therefore, you are unable to finish their tasks. You tend to underperform in the given tasks, and meeting deadlines will turn out to be difficult. The most important thing is that by working on multiple tasks at a time, an employee simply fails to specialize in a particular thing. It just destroys one’s efficiency and effectiveness to do things.

Unnecessary Pressure on Brain

Trying to focus on more than one task at a time pressurises the brain as it is designed to concentrate on one task at a time. If you think you can do multitask and do some tasks simultaneously, possibly, you can get more productive and get your tasks done better.

Multitasking increases stress. It puts pressure on the brain. Our brain is constructed to concentrate on one task at a time. Due to the added pressure of today’s lifestyle, switching from one task to another, the brain takes more time to do the tasks. It causes stress to do things than what you would take to complete normally.

Fixing too many goals at one time does more harm than good. So when you work, concentrate on one thing, complete it, and then move to next one.

Weakens Memory

Multitasking weakens our memory because frequent multitasking causes damage to your memory. Memory loss and absentmindedness are common causes among those who multitask on a regular basis. Our brain is not designed to handle many tasks at a time.

So, when you are doing two different activities, you are not able to pay proper attention to any of them. From this, we will not be able to recollect anything whatever you are doing or learning properly. Beware that multitasking can damage your permanent memory.

Multitasking Kills Creativity

Multitasking kills your creativity. While multitasking, your attention will shift from one problem to another, from that you cannot concentrate on a particular problem at a time. We may be able to do many tasks at one time, but we will face struggles in those which require some serious problem-solving skills.

It happens because our brain becomes so habituated to shift tasks that it can no longer concentrate on one thing with full attention. Creativity will be affected if you multitask on a regular basis. To get into the depth of the problem and its solutions, we require full attention and dedication.

Do not check your emails while working on a tough problem. Take a break and reply to them and then resume working again. In brief, multitasking is bad for your productivity as well as your health. Try to avoid shuttling between tasks and concentrate on only one task at a time. You will notice that you are getting much more than before in the future.

Multitasking is a Failure

The concept of multitasking is great in principle, but in reality, it fails miserably.  Being able to perform many tasks simultaneously makes you happy, but often the real result is sub-standard performance and failure to cope up with all the tasks.

Multitasking will not double or triple your productivity. It just spreads your focus between the multiple tasks. It needs complex thought patterns and this reduces your skills; it kills your productivity.  The solution is simple- do one task at a time, work on the single task until completion, avoid all interruptions, and other works.

Multitasking does not work properly and it destructs productivity. Try to eliminate multitasking from your life, be more productive, and create a balanced work-life. Do manage your timings, set a work goal, prioritize your schedule, and stay distraction free.


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