What Motivates Us More than Money?

Money is undoubtedly one of the chief factors that try to fuel the working capacity of the employees and to motivate them to perform more enthusiastically. But this alone cannot be the reason to keep a person charged up, as no matter how much money you get for doing your task, that would not give you ultimate satisfaction. Your pay is in a way a justification of the work you do. It is the reward of your physical and mental labour, but if you look for inner satisfaction, then money is the last thing that can help you achieve satisfaction.

When you receive your payment, you feel relieved as you know all your chore can be fulfilled now. But when you are down with certain issues at your workplace and looking for ways to uplift your mood and moral, then you can give money a pass. Contrary to the belief, money does not motivate employees as other motivators do. Rather, a healthy working environment and a little appreciation will do the deed.

There are certain points which not only motivate a person to complete his daily chores at work but also give an employee a constant push towards a better future. These points are discussed below for a better understanding.


The moment a person is appreciated for even a tiny bit of work performed, that person immediately feels a positive vibe and jumps up to continue a good job with pumped up energy. Appreciation not only acknowledges the result but the entire process and procrastination that led to the result. The mind, the skill, the sense and the responsibility of the employee, all is applauded at. And the satisfaction derived from these praises is much more valuable than the money earned.

Praise lends you confidence that you do have the capability to make yourself, your boss and your company proud. Moreover, appreciation being an abstract thing cannot be processed or expected. Hence, the impact of the approval is all the more energising. However, also remember, amidst all these outer praises, self-appreciation is also important.

Enhancement of skills

Nevertheless, the previous point does not mean that when an employee is appreciated, that person has reached the highest level of superiority and there is no room left for improvement. That is not the case instead improving one’s skill is also another factor that motivates the worker.
When someone gets the chance of improving one’s existent skills, then that person feels all the more wanted. They believe that they are a part of the family and their development does matter, in the development of the company.

The human mind is ever active and always eager to master new things. So, the scope of learning will allure the mind and will help in the overall growth of the being. This continuous growth and development process will turn the employee into an asset for the company.

Thus, this strives to achieve the excellence will invariably motivate the worker.


This factor begins from where the previous element left. No one likes to remain static. In this age of pace and race, the positive motion is equal to motivation. Everyone who enters the job sector aims to reach the zenith and to achieve that, one need to keep on climbing the steps.

To (or “intending to”) keep your employees motivated, you need to tell them that you have more is in store for them. The more vigilant and versatile they are, the more likely it is of them to progress in work. Progression of an individual and progression of a group of people will ultimately lead to the progression of the whole company.

Promotions offer challenges which make the work life interesting and intriguing. Challenges help to overcome the flaws and the fears and give you the best version of the employee. Both the employer and the worker enjoy this roller-coaster ride because, without risk, you cannot gain anything.

Duties and Responsibilities

An employee should always be aware of its role in the company and should do justice to it. Not only an efficient person but also a responsible one can be regarded as an asset. However, this power lies in the hands of the authority. Understanding the quality and capacity of the employees, the company should rest some responsibilities on these people so that they can show their worth. Responsibilities also nurture the feeling of connection or attachment. So, the more responsibilities you distribute, the more they will feel the need to do that work efficiently because, at the back of the mind, they know that the reputation of the company rests on them and they would never want to tarnish it.


The man is a social animal that loves to live in groups. Therefore, the workplace where one works need to have an environment that promotes positivity and progression and lets people work peacefully. It is the duty of both the authority and the employees to maintain a healthy ambience that motivates everyone to give their best. The place should be devoid of politics and anything that hampers the growth.  There should be a feeling of compassion and companionship, which will urge the employees not to miss work, even for one day.

Motivation plays a significant role in every kind of work because there comes a time when every individual lacks the confidence. This is the time to reinforce that confidence into them, by constant motivation. It is not only the duty of the employer to motivate but also that of the employee to stay motivated and continue the work. You should feel good about the work you do. Money is an essential factor that is necessary for the well-being, but the other five factors mentioned above are all the more important when personal and social welfare is considered.
So, keep these points in mind to motivate others and stay motivated!



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