Learning the ways to be more persistent could be the turning point in your life.
Napoleon Hill once said:
The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job.
Persistence is an admirable quality. A person who possesses persistence is determined to move ahead and achieve despite uncountable setbacks. Persistence is an attribute that distinguishes those who succeed in life and those you don’t.
Persistence shouldn’t be equaled to planning. Setting up goals and plans is something everyone indulges in but how many of them really succeed; not many! Majority of the masses quit even before beginning or in the middle of the journey. Fears and apprehensions paralyze them and detract them from moving ahead with persistence. Perhaps they lack motivation or self-confidence, who knows!
6 Ways to be More Persistent
Persistence is a skill which has to be mastered. If you just wish to wallow in comfort zone, don’t crib about not achieving anything. But if changing your life is sounds desirable, start by becoming persistent.
This article gives you actionable ways to be more persistent. Read and follow them.
1) What do you want? Identify it.
Most people land up with wrong things in life because they weren’t focused on what they wanted. They went along whatever came their way without bothering to pause and think about what they want honestly.
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Before practicing persistence, think hard about your wants and desires. Sit somewhere alone and map your life – how you life is now and how you visualize your life ten or twenty years down the line. The next step is to write what needs to be done to achieve it. List everything, even the smallest bits, because everything matters.
2) Find motivation with successful people.
Learn about the life of successful people like Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Hawking to find out their levels of motivation and persistence to achieve what they wanted. Understanding what drives successful people will positively inspire you to becoming persistent yourself.
While reading, don’t just focus on their achievements but understand their journey of their life, their decisions, their problems and how they overcame everything.
3) Keep a positive frame of mind.
The road to success will always be challenging, full of hurdle and problems, and only if you persevere with persistence, you will be on the path of success. There will be times when the lure of giving up will be hard to ignore and you will give in if you fall weak but don’t succumb to such negative things.
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Nothing is permanent in life. If bad situations assail you now, it will go away. Persistence is the key to positive existence.
Keep a positive attitude towards life, regardless of whatever situation comes across. Always be focused in your thinking and take consequential actions towards reaching those goals. Don’t be plagued by negative thought as it ruins concentration and divert you from your life’s goal.
4) Be a disciplined person.
Jim Rohn once said:
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
Without discipline, success will always be out of your reach. All the plans and goals will be ultimately wasted if you don’t have the discipline to match with it.
Life will throw a lot of hindrances in your way and without unwavering discipline, it will be tough to sail ahead and emerge a winner. Discipline will keep you in the right path, no matter what the situation turns to every step of the way.
5) Don’t expect an easy way out.
One of the reasons why many people tend to give up easily is because of following misguided expectations. There is no shortcut to success. Even a petty thief has to learn thievery and make plans of conning someone with success!
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Your expectations should be aligned with your life goals. If you’re in a private job earning 60,000 USD annually, expecting to buy a penthouse by 30 is an example of misaligned expectation.
Having expectation is good but they should be practical and logical. There is no easy way to achieve success. Expect that the way towards success is going to be hard and steel your mind to have the patience, persistence and discipline to sail all problems and emerge a winner. It’s all about having the right mindset.
6) Learn to handle failure.
One of the main ways to be more persistent is to learn to handle failure. Not everything is going to be a success; small failures are going to come your way but don’t lose hope. Take every failure with a pinch of salt; take it as a learning experience and move ahead.
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Persistence is one of the ways to get success, along with discipline, persuasion, self confidence, self motivation and many other factors. Learn these ways to be more persistent and incorporate them in your life plan.
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