Ten Ways to Boost Your Creativity

Creative pursuit is the way to a healthy and fulfilling life. No matter where we are, who we are we all have a creative pursuit in our life – be it writing, sketching, drawing, painting, filmmaking, acting, singing, dancing or any other performing arts. Even our scientific discourse is a result of creative thinking.

As it is often said, that science is the highest form of art and art is the highest form of science. In all its forms and probabilities, creativity is a way to showcase your intuitive thinking to the world. It is a way of living as well as a way of communicating. It is the foremost thing that makes human beings more humans. As Einstein once said, “What flying is to a bird, thinking is to a man.” It is this thinking which we entrap through creativity and let fly like a free bird.

However, irrespective our skills and tendencies each one of us has a different spell of creativity. While some are quite good at it, giving clarity to their thoughts and ideas, others are not so much gifted. For them this talent germinates only in favourable conditions and these conditions are need to be created.

So here we are providing you with such conditions, that is, citing ways to boost your creativity.

#1 Work on A Messy Desk

This seems like bad advice, but in the long run, it will help you. Research shows that messy people are the most creative ones. They are more thought provoking and indulge in more innovations and breakthrough inventions. Einstein was believed to be one such messy person. This connection might be due to the reason that an organised person might tend to think in a predictable set path. Whereas, a messy person has several strings of unconventional eccentric thoughts going at the same time. The mind is more entangled than his workplace, and his ideas are more intertwined than his desk.


#2 Opt For A Blue Background Place

Blue is regarded as the warmest colour. The most soothing colour of all. Science says working in such a background calms down your nerves and makes you relax. In such a condition, your thought flows like a stream giving wings to creativity. Hence, a blue colour themed workplace is the answer. Compare it with clear blue skies and the calm quite sea green ocean. See now you understood why it is good for creativity.

#3 Work With A Diverse Group

The key ingredient that shapes our creativity is a conversation. Conversations are the quintessential way to strike up ideas and acquire some new outlook. Keeping this in mind, it is a necessity to interact with various kinds of people. Remember this is the advice given by most writers and artists to understand and interact with various kinds of people. The reason being different people bring different perspectives and lifestyles on board, providing a larger perspective – often contradictory but thought provoking. Thus working with a diverse group boosts our creative thinking.

#4 Explore New Places

Another vital advice was given by artists and writers – exploring new places. Though on the verge of being repetitive and a cliché, it is an age-old formula to boost creativity. Recollect how many times people have taken a break and just went for a short walk to clear the brain jam. Yes, countless times. The reason being familiar places and circumstances. Ideas hit you at the most uncommon place in any part of the world. Hence, it is important to take a time out and explore new places and avenues. It might not be a grand travel destination but walk around the unexplored part of your neighbourhood will do just fine.

#5 Shuffle Your Daily Schedule

A dull and boring routine which you end up doing every day is bad for creativity. It makes you a machine and kills whatever thought process you have. So, spice up your time. By this, I don’t mean toss up your schedule and don’t go for your meetings and appointments. No! Rather I mean make them a little interesting. Don’t go about it in the same predictable way. Add some new ways. For example, instead of a powerpoint presentation go for a poster presentation. Yes, those things you did in colleges. Well do it here but in a more professional way. Instead of your boring office lunch try out some new restaurants or better still share each other’s lunch.

#6 Take Up Yoga And Meditation

To boost your creativity, you need to enhance your thinking capabilities. Here yoga and meditation come handy. Just like the colour blue, this too has a calming and soothing effect on your mind. It lets you relax and shed of your cloak setting you free. Mere 15-30 mins of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises detoxifies your body and enhance your creativity to a great extent.

#7 Listening Or Playing Some Instruments

The music motivates our brain activity. It boosts our memory, intelligence and thinking ability. One hour of listening to musical instruments or playing one leads to higher brain activity. Thus, listen to some instrumental music that is music without words or better still play one. Let the rhythm of the instruments immerse in your inner rhythm, setting you happy and free.

#8 Read Whenever You Can

Reading another playing field of creative geniuses. Reading transports you to another world. It makes you more empathic and understanding. While reading, you discover new people and surroundings and live amidst them as their own.  Reading is that tool which rediscovers the hidden parts of ourselves unleashing the creativity caged within us.

#9 Write Down Your Thoughts And Feelings

One way of banking on your thought process and create something is to start with your thinking itself. Yes, locate your exact feelings, your wandering thoughts. Note it down on paper. Just sit and write down all that you feel inside. Those blurred black letters running on the white blank sheet is you of the moment. Beware of that you, know yourself. This knowledge of you will steer the knowledge of your creativity, taking it to new heights.

#10 Try Out Something New

Last but not the least, get out of the box. Try out something new. Something which you haven’t done before. So you go in there without any expectations, and when you come out of it, you will feel fresh. You have gained insight to something different from you, a new life whether you excelled in it or not is a different story altogether. You have certainly gained an experience, and that will build up your creativity.

Thus, it is pretty clear that creativity resides in all of us at all times. We just need that push, that off the curve bend to plunge into it.


Always remember that in creative pursuit nothing is big or small. What you are doing is the greatest thing for you. It makes you complete. It makes you human. It gives you the wings of fire, and you rise like the phoenix from the ashes.


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