Tag: productivity

  • 11 Things Productive People Do and You Don’t

    11 Things Productive People Do and You Don’t

    When it comes to productivity, some people seem to work twice as hard as others in the same amount of time; they have ability to complete things. While juggling multiple projects, they without fail, reach their goals. 11 Things Productive People do and You Don’t Here they are: #1 They focus on each minute, not…

  • Apply 10-3-2-1-0 Productivity Hack for Excellent Results

    Apply 10-3-2-1-0 Productivity Hack for Excellent Results

    Craig Ballantyne, a fitness coach and author, designed the 10-3-2-1-0 productivity hack, I knew it needs to be tried and tested. I am big on productivity and swear by discipline. From the Pomodoro technique to Eisenhower Method, I have tried all and they worked, as did the 10-3-2-1-0 productivity hack. What is the 10-3-2-1-0 Productivity…

  • 8 Reasons Why Trading Your Time For Money Won’t Make You Rich

    8 Reasons Why Trading Your Time For Money Won’t Make You Rich

                  8 Reasons Why Trading Your Time For Money Won’t Make You Rich Wake up, shower, get dressed, grab some breakfast, head in to work. Put in your eight hours, head home, grab some dinner, pay some bills, watch some television, go to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Is this…

  • Are You The Wolf Or The Sheep?

    Are You The Wolf Or The Sheep?

    The question to ask yourself: are you a wolf or a sheep? To be the Wolf you have to trust your own judgment. Only you know what is right for you. Nobody can tell you if what you’re doing is meaningful, worthwhile, or will lead you in the right direction. The more compelling the path the…

  • The Art Of  Outsourcing

    The Art Of Outsourcing

    The Art Of Outsourcing! How To Replace Yourself! In this day and age; it takes strength and flexibility to run a business! What is outsourcing and why you should do it? Running a small business is definitely not the same thing as it used to be; not even in the recent past! Nowadays, even a…