Science-Backed Insights for a Successful Personal and Business Life

Success is something everybody aspires in all faces of life. However, Success is not something achievable in a day or two. Continuous mind management and hard-work is the key to be successful in both personal and professional life. Success is not easy, as there are multiple things we need to do, as well as restrict ourselves from doing, to reach the heights of success.

We all know how difficult it is to continue our healthy diet when we are overwhelmed by an unhealthy but delicious pizza. Have you ever felt the temptation to switch over to Netflix, when you have a huge to-do list to finish on the weekend? While you are struggling with your temptations and goals, often targets loose, and temptations win.

Whether it is about writing a story, getting back into shape, fulfilling family duties or growing a business, we all have certain goals that we want to achieve. Although, we are surrounded by many myths when it comes to achieving success and accomplish goals. Here are some science-based insights that will help you stick to your goals and achieve success.

#1 Take out some time to meditate

Meditation has become one of the most modern trends in all over the world. According to San Fransisco Chronicle, Marc Benioff, CEO of, is practising meditation over a decade now, which helps him control stress since the time he was in Oracle. The famous media proprietor, actress, producer and philanthropist, Oprah Winfrey finds transcendental meditation a helpful way to connect to God. According to her meditation is more about one’s spiritual growth than physical fulfilment.

Other than Ophrah and Marc, many influential personalities including Jack Dorsey and Richard Branson practice yoga on a regular basis. With every passing day, meditation helps you get better and positive. Researchers say meditation changes the brain waves and takes an individual to a deeper level of peace and self-growth.  Benefits of yoga are not limited to physical health; it also has a positive impact on mental health. Therefore, picking up yoga habit will help you reduce stress, improve sleep quality and keep you focused towards your goals.

Science backed

#2 Workaholism is a positive sign

We have heard people saying that workaholism will kill your productivity and deteriorate your health. However, recent research suggests that being a workaholic is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

People who are workaholic are safe from the risks of high cholesterol and high blood pressure because workaholism develops engagement, which means feeling alive and packed with a purpose.

#3 Office jokes may not be right for you

It is good to be social, but remember unnecessary humour may leave you to look like a jerk. If you have a sense of humour, it can enhance your status at work. However, inappropriate jokes may give a wrong impression among co-workers.

Everyone is not the same, and when you are in a workplace, it is essential to know who your audience is. Everybody has a different level of sense of humour. If you find something funny, does not mean everybody else will. Also, a perfect joke requires knowledge of the right place and the right time. Those who expertise in the field of humour knows when to crack a joke and where.

If a person seems uninterested in your humour, it is better not to force them to laugh at your jokes. At workplace when it comes to humour, it is not about pushing fun, but letting the fun happen. A spontaneous response at the right moment can build big business deals.

#4 Rock and hip-hop can enhance your work quality

Since last one to two years, we have seen some quotes surrounding the market, like “Drink some coffee, Put on gangsta rap and Handle it”. Many offices have introduced mugs, t-shirts and stationery to their employees, with such cool and motivational quotes. Studies have proved that the right music track can fill enthusiasm and develop a willingness to take the initiative, among the employees. When you feel tired and dull, music can fill up energy and brighten up your day. This is the reason why gyms, bars and coffee shops greet us with music.

According to the researchers, music is powerful enough to induce psychological empowerment. Also, the right kind of music can make individuals behave in a certain way, showing that they are more powerful. People who feel powerful are seen to take the initiative, make the first offer and start negotiations.

High pitched, and power playlists are seen to increase energy by 34% as compared to low pitched playlists. Scientists and researchers believe that the effect of our experience of psychological empowerment is based on the level of “bass” in the music.

#5 Multitasking makes you less productive

It is good to be multitasking but indulging you in more than one work at a time will divert your energy and skills, which means a lower quality of work and less productivity. Multitasking is a destructive habit, which causes more harm than good.

According to a survey at Stanford University, multitasking makes an individual less attentive. It says people who indulge themselves in more than one task cannot pay attention, recall vital information and switch between tasks as efficiently and quickly as an individual who concentrates on one work at a time.

In the recent past, technology has been seen replacing human labour. Bots are created and designed to eliminate human errors and inconsistent manual calculations. However, still, the rate of human labour hiring is much more than robots and other machines. This is because humans have the capability to think beyond limits.

The average age of people who achieve success is 37. Which means, to be successful, you will have to be patient and keep working till you reach the age of 37. To improve your productivity and creativity follow the tips mentioned above. Stay committed towards your goals and keep bad habits at a distance. You will see yourself moving towards your goals in both personal and business life.


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