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The Power Of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

Do you practice the power of positive thinking? This is not something that most people do on a regular basis. They don’t practice conscious thinking; therefore, they don’t really know whether their thinking is positive or negative. When you think consciously and make an effort to think positively it can have some very good results in your life.

Some people think that positive thinking is just nonsense. They laugh when other people talk about it. They call it hocus-pocus or mumbo-jumbo. There are many people though, who think that positive thinking is real and they truly believe that it can be affective. They are usually people who have actually tried it and have seen the impact that it can have in their lives.

There is no magic to positive thinking. It is simply a practice, something that we do every day. Think of positive thinking as a way of life.

A Real Life Possibility

Let’s look at an example. Let’s say that you were applying for a new job that you really wanted. But there were many people that would be applying for this job and the qualifications were high. Now, if you think that you won’t get the job you’re not practicing power of positive thinking. Because you already believed that you likely weren’t going to get the job, it could be seen in the way you carried yourself, the tone of your voice, or your facial expressions. Although the interviewer may not have been aware of it, those signals were noticed and it affected the interviewer’s perception of you. And you will likely not get the job.

Instead of focusing on all the negative things that could happen, like getting up late or stumbling over your words, focus on all the things that you want to do. As you lay out your clothing, imagine yourself walking into the office, shaking the interviewer’s hand, smiling, and getting a big smile back in return. Imagine you sitting in front of the interviewer and giving the best answers possible. The interviewer is amazed. You are smiling and the interviewer is smiling and as you shake hands and leave the office you have the feeling that you got the job.

You may be thinking, this cannot possibly work. But it can. People testify over and over again that when they think positively about the things that they want or the things that they would like to achieve they get better results.

Practice, Practice, And Practice

If you are not used to positive thinking it will take some effort to implement this type of thought into your life. Think about how you can think more positively in your life. What are the things that you would like to change? Would you like to get a promotion at work? Would you like people to be nicer to you? Would you like to have more time to do things that you love? All of these things can be affected by positive thinking.

It starts with being more aware of what you’re thinking. Be aware of negative thoughts in your mind. You need to recognize them when they occur and make a conscious effort to change them. Try to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

If negativity has been part of your life and a habit for a long time it will take a lot of effort to change your thinking. But don’t give up. Practice changing your thinking and keep focused on happy thoughts that make you feel good. When you feel good you will smile more. When you smile more people will respond to you.

Positive Thinking Techniques

One of the things that you can do to practice positive thinking is using daily affirmations. A lot of people think that this is nonsense and it might feel uncomfortable at first, but it works. Repeat positive phrases to yourself throughout the day. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you’re doing a good job. Say the things to yourself that you want other people to say to you. The more often you hear positive things – even if they are only from you – the better you will feel about yourself or about specific situations. When you feel more positive, it will be reflected in your body language and other will respond to you in amazing ways.

Visualization techniques can also be helpful. When you’re taking a break at work, sit quietly in your office or in another part of the building and think about the things that you want to happen to you. Imagine how you will react. Imagine yourself doing the things that you would like to do. See yourself meeting challenges. Go over dialogue in your head of the conversation that you would like to have with important people. Visualizing the situations that you would like to exist and how you would like them to exist can help them to become reality.

Positive thinking may not come naturally to you. It is hard for many people. But, the more you practice it the better you will get at it. And as you practice positive thinking throughout your day and in different areas of your life you will find that your life will start to change. Start trying it now today. It doesn’t hurt but it doesn’t take up a lot of time and it doesn’t cost you money. So why not try?


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