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Increase Your Productivity Through Meditation

Meditation has proven its mettle since time immemorial. This age-old practice helps in maintaining mental and physical health. It helps in nourishing the soul and leading a peaceful and sated life.

Yoga is an ancient practice which has been widely accepted globally as a way of improving life in a very holistic manner. Science has proven that Yoga can have many positive implications in a person’s life. Companies have been pushing their employees to take up yoga because it helps them in their work. Meditation makes for better-rounded, happier individuals who can keep calm and stay focused on their job. It helps in increasing efficiency and therefore productivity. Many studies have proved that regular practice of yoga increases grey matter in the brain.

Working professionals have to deal with a  lot of chaos in their daily lives. Since they live a routine, mundane life, they tend to get frustrated, and their focus strays. Most working professionals do not enjoy peaceful hours, which leads to their agitation and irritation, both of which are distractive elements. It is imperative to balance, work with leisure hours, or else life becomes really difficult. Yoga helps in calming the storm going on in the mind which results in being composed. Meditation helps in enhancing productivity by improving concentrate on the work at hand; it helps in focusing.

When employs are engrossed in their work, they tend to get the job done fast and efficiently. The following are five ways to increase your productivity through meditation:

#1 It helps in maintaining clarity in mind during times of stress

Meditation assists in avoiding mental fuzziness. There are days when a person is overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. In such a position people feel cornered and do not wish to work at all; more often than not they suffer from a mental block.

Meditation aids in maintaining clarity, it allows people to think in a logical manner rather than flipping out and succumbing to pressure. People who meditate can maintain composure in the toughest of hours and can come up with the right kinds of solutions.

The correct thought process helps in handling overwhelming situations and dealing with it in the best possible manner. Thinking right increases productivity and assists in finding the right solution to big problems.

#2 It improves creativity

Meditation is a way of rejuvenating the mind; it helps the mind to lose all the clustered thoughts and bring about clarity which in turn gives birth to creativity. It makes the brain more receptive to ideas thus improving productivity. When there is a clear line of thoughts in the head, a person can focus well and solve problems.

They have a different perspective towards the obstacles and hurdles because they are more accepting of newer ideas. People who practice meditation think differently as compared to the people who do not, which give them an edge. The ability to come up with newer ideas and solving problems in an unconventional manner increases productivity.

#3 Meditation helps in improving concentration

Concentration is a key factor which helps in improving productivity. Meditation is the key to avoiding distractions and focusing on one task so that things can run smoothly. Neurological results have proved that the human brain is unable to function efficiently when it is multitasking.

No matter how much we try, it is impossible to multitask effectively and efficiently. Meditation helps the mind to focus on one work at a time and getting it done in the shortest span of time possible, and in the most methodical and coherent manner.

Meditation aids in structured thinking, so that the task at hand can go on smoothly, in an orderly fashion. This ensures that all the work is completed on time, and its quality does not suffer. Since the brain focuses on only one thing and forgot distractions, it thinks logically, works in a planned manner and which culminates into perfection.

#4 It helps in shrugging of negativity

The head space can become increasingly negative at times. The negative attitude can sometimes reflect on the work. People who meditate can easily shrug off all kinds of negativity. They maintain a  positive air about them, so they are nice to their coworkers which lead to the strengthening of emotional connections between colleagues.

Meditators have the ability to lead with compassion, and they are the ones who successfully increase their social connection as well as emotional intelligence both; of which are precursors to improving a person’s productivity.

#5 Helps in achieving inner happiness

An unhappy person can never be productive. People need to be happy and satisfied to work efficiently. Happiness improves the efficacy of a person which in turn enhances their productivity. Research has proved that meditation leads to the re-wiring of the brain, and bring much more happiness.

People who meditate guarantee that they are a lot happier as compared to the times when they did not practice meditation. Stimulating the brain each morning and training it in the positive direction, more often than not leads to an inner happiness which can be felt from the get go.

Meditating early in the morning provides with a boost of happiness early in the day, which reflects in the overall productivity of the person. Happier people work well; they are more focused and relaxed which makes them work efficiently and quickly. The practice provides with a mental break, away from all the worldly problems, which in turn allow the brain to process everything and function in an organised manner.


All in all, meditation does help in improving the overall productivity of a person. Wellness in mind translates into actions. Many creative companies have a meditation room which allows employees to de-stress and start afresh with a reinvigorated though process.

Normal human being is sick and tired of juggling tasks and responsibilities, and meditation is a way of just getting away from all the pent up tension clawing on the overall productivity of a person. When the brain remains calm, it functions a lot better.


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