Build Focus

How to Build Focus and Concentration?

The most important asset that will lead you towards success is your attention span. Surprisingly the average human attention span is reduced to only eight seconds. In fact, a tiny goldfish can hold the information for longer time, according to a 2015 study from Microsoft due to digital connectedness. The use of digital gadgets for online access has affected our offline life.

The desire to seek out new and vital information is affecting our brain as the internet has become the added extension of our life. The digital age has deteriorated our attention span and has weakened our capacity to focus. Technology has led to exposure to unlimited information. Today’s generation is entirely dependent on the internet for almost everything.

Online attractions have to be eliminated as it can distract anyone who wants to increase their productivity, have a successful career or achieve a particular goal in life. Distractions are inevitable, and there must be substantial self-control to tackle them in the best possible way.

The perils of distraction in the society that runs on technology are numerous. The ability to maintain your focus in the era of distraction is now the latest superpower. There is a big difference between being productive and being busy. You can be working and not get anywhere in life; it is just wasting energy. Being productive is making progress, becoming better. Distractions make us busy and not productive.

The distracting impact of the technology can be minimized, and focus can be improved with the help of some bright strategies that can be used to defeat distractions:


The temptation of being constantly connected affects an individual both personally and professionally. Just a click and we move from the real world to the virtual world. Meditation is extensively used by many people now and not only by the yogis. Its ability to foster productivity, decrease stress and improve focus is scientifically proved. Distraction drains the energy level that can be restored again with meditation.

Build Focus

Regular meditation calms the mind and improves cognitive performance. Many successful people like Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, Joe Rogan, Jeff Weiner Arianna Huffington have experienced success due to change in focus from meditation. Refocusing over and over again is not easy and creates a mental disturbance.

A study published in Consciousness and Cognition proved that regular practice of meditation lowers stress level, leads to improved decision-making ability as it calms the impulsive mind and enhances mood. It also increases the verbal and nonverbal reasoning ability and ultimately enhances the capacity to manipulate mental information.

According to the Greater Good Science Centre at UC Berkeley, mindfulness meditation is all about maintaining focus on the present moment. The focus is entirely on the thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment that the individual is experiencing at that moment only. Complete focus on a moment will help you control your wandering mind.

Mindfulness meditation is that exercise that will make your brain muscle stronger. Plus it also improves your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Your mind can focus and absorb more information.

– Focus on What is Required

Interruption can distract our attention from something that is important, and you need to be clear on the goal that requires your complete focus. Ron Webb, an executive director at the American Productivity and Quality Center a non-profit research organization, has given immense importance to the ability to understand what requires attention. Success is the result of identifying the central area of focus for the year, week and the day. As per Webb calendar invites are focus killers, and you need to decide whether the distraction requires your attention or not.

-Manage Technology and Silence Your Excessive Notifications

Productivity is enhanced if the distraction is eliminated. Turn off notification or as suggested by Anthony in Mandarin Chinese Mnemonics and Morning Memory Secrets do not switch on the computer till you have accomplished your memory goal. Do not underestimate the valuable time that is spent on various unimportant activities over the net.

Pop-ups and sound alert can destroy productivity to an unimaginable level. These menial distractions have a significant impact on your progress. Digital distraction consumes your time and energy. If you cannot switch off the notifications, set up notification-free zones. Switch on the information only after you have reached your milestone.

-Play Mind Games

Master your attention and improve focus by practicing mind games. All you need is to do is backward counting. Count from 100-1 continuously or count from 100-1 with a gap of 3 numbers (100, 97, 94..), etc. Such games boost attention levels.

-Make Lists

Making a to-do list will help you achieve your goal. Written goals are always met easily. It is a useful and productive tool if the tasks are prioritized appropriately. It is a simple list and all you need is to do is just write the work that needs to be accomplished. Proper scheduling will improve performance and efficiency. Go through the points to optimize your list making ability:

-Plan Tomorrow’s To-Do List Tonight

Jot down the task that you need to do the next day at night. It will help you to be well prepared for the day. The list must be made on the basis of priority level. It brings clarity and reduces stress and chaos.

-Task Duration Estimate

Assigning time estimate to each task is a great productivity hack. This strategy helps to utilize time efficiently and keeps track of time. The time estimate is the key that determines the amount of real work that can be done in a day.

– Re-Evaluate the List

Are you are continually ignoring a particular item on your to-do list and keep on transferring it to the next day? Then try to find out the main reason for its procrastination. Find out the problem that is causing its delay. Any task that is repeatedly rescheduled requires attention.

These to-do lists aren’t for everyone and can be counter-productive for some. Lack of proper planning and not completing the task makes it a failure.

Research suggests that 85% of the task done were not included on the to-do list and around 41% of to-do items are never completed.

These numbers indicate that only a few people can take complete advantage of the to-do list. Many of them struggle to use this useful technique to enhance their productivity.

If the list is not organized well and the items are not prioritized appropriately, it tends to impair the productivity factor. If the time for each task is not estimated accurately and if there is no motivation to complete the work then the to-do list is not successful.


Perfection in concentration and focus are vital factors to achieve great things in life. One of the primary qualities expected of an officer is the ability to concentrate.

Any individual who has mastered the art of concentration can work with high efficiency. Introspect yourself and find these qualities within you. Discover the problematic areas and try to solve them.

Apart from the ways mentioned above to improve concentration, being active and playing sports leads to better functioning of the brain. The value of focus is realized while playing games. Physical activity keeps us mentally, physically and emotionally fit.


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