How to Become More than you Are?

We hear a lot about personal development in our daily lives. However, in the urge of earning money, personal growth somewhere takes a back seat. Personal development is one of the most heard yet less explained term.

Just like your monetary investments, it is highly essential to invest in your development so that you can efficiently grow despite all the life obstacles. With personal growth, you learn to be proactive. Instead of waiting for good things to come your way, you go out and make things better. If you are committed to your personal development, you are on the path to achieving personal fulfilment.

Benefits of Personal Development

Here are the six essential benefits of personal development:

#1 Know Yourself

To know who you really are is the first valuable asset you receive with personal growth. It all starts with self-awareness. This helps you to understand your inner self, your beliefs, values and purpose of life. If you are chasing other people’s dreams, you will never feel fulfilment. If you believe in true everlasting happiness, you will have to develop your life by “Who You Are”.

With Self Awareness you can chase your objectives and goals, which in return gives you much higher pleasure.


#2 Clear sense of direction

Once you have gained self-awareness, you will be able to see a clear picture of objectives and goals you want to achieve in life. This also improves your decision making power, and you realise what is important to you and what is not. You will then accomplish the things that used to consume a lot of your time, no longer fits on your to-do list.

#3 Enhanced focus and effectiveness

Clarity is another benefit you get with personal development. Once you have a sense of direction in what you do, you will see there are still multiple tasks that require your attention.

However, with your inner growth, the ability to prioritise and focus enhances. You become more clear about your objectives, and you can pick what gives you better results with the available resources and when. Understanding and applying your strengths efficiently improves with improved personality.

#4 Motivation

At times, the task ahead is not much enjoyable, but if you can clearly see the benefits, you feel motivated and take necessary actions. As we all know “When there is a will there is a way”. With strong personality development, comes strong willpower.

#5 Improved resilience

Life never goes in a straight line. We all experience good and bad times. However, many of us breakdown during the tough times. If you have attributes and skills to deal with the harsh times, you can prevent bad things from happening. Your personal development gives you the power of resilience, higher confidence and interpersonal skills to deal with any unknown eventuality.

#6 Satisfactory relationships

Relationships are like a see-saw. You either get lifted up or dragged down in your life due to your relationships. If you are not confident, you cannot differentiate between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Your improved self-development will let you see which relationships require your attention and which needs to be left loose. Also, personal growth helps you bring out the maximum positivity from your relationships.

How to Achieve Success with Personal Development?

Many values and activities are universal regarding success. We all carry some habits with us throughout our life. Some of these practices bring good to us, and many of them drag us towards failure. We all have a different definition of success but, there are some habits that we should give up to be successful.

#1 Unhealthy lifestyle

“If you do not take care of your body, your body will not take care of you.”- BUBGreat.

If you want to achieve something in your life, you will have to start here and now. Without a healthy body, and mind, you can never concentrate on your goals. What you give is what you get. So, if you take care of your health, your good health will allow you to work on a happy note.

There are only two things you need to consider for a healthy body and mind:

  •  Physical Activity
  • Healthy Diet

#2 Short-term mindset

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” – Steve Maraboli

Have you ever heard the phrase – “it is all in mind”? If you see the successful people, you will notice a similar trait in what they do. They set long-term goals, and they know how to be patient.

Short term regular habits drive you towards your long-term goals. Hence, your long-term aims are the result of your short-term habits. Remember, you are not pursuing healthy habits to impress the world, but to show yourself who you are.

#3 Do not play small

“There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living”. – Nelson Mandela

If you never try, you will never know what you could have achieved. Take the opportunities that come your way and let your dreams become realities. This way you will be able to unleash your real potential. Remember, it is you who is going to be benefitted with your achievements, not the world.

#4 “Magic Bullet” is a myth

“People are always looking for the single magic bullet that will totally change everything. There is no single magic bullet”. – Temple Grandin

Are you looking for success overnight? If that is so, you are on a hunt for something, that does not exist. Success overnight is a complete myth. Successful people understand the importance of small continuous improvement. Your small steps towards a significant goal compounds to your overall progress over time.

It is essential to plan for the future, but do not forget to focus on your present. Even if you improve 1% every day, you will reach your desired results.

Although personal development is talked from time to time, very rarely people commit to the same. To reach your professional and personal success, you will have to take out some time for your inner development. Take time, determine, invest in healthy resources for strong personal growth and interpersonal skills. Your ability to be among the most significant achievements lies in your personal development.


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