No More Excuses

Give Up Excuses In Order To Be Successful

Everyone has a desire to be successful in their life, but not everyone succeeds in becoming one. The reason for failure could be anything; be it an ineffective idea or its implementation. However, the failure does not affect people who are motivated to achieve their target, and that is, success. The difference between an unsuccessful and a successful person is their attitude towards their failure. People give up just after facing a failure while some of them have a never give up attitude.

However, this is not the only difference. One of the biggest reasons why people cannot achieve success is giving excuses. Always remember that successful people never give excuses for their failure. Not only do excuses deviate you from your actual motive, but also put your future at stake.

Most of the people start their business venture with a complete motivation to become the biggest business owner in the world, but they forget that success and failure are two sides of the same coin. No one has experienced success without tasting the flavor of failure.

Once a new business owner faces failure for the first time, he or she has two options. The first is to present excuses and give up their dream and the second is to accept failure and take measures to eliminate the chances of failure. Most of the people will choose the first option only because it is simpler and will not require additional efforts. Keep in mind that a successful business owner never makes excuses for their actions. Here are some of the reasons why successful people never make excuses.

#1 Successful People have Long-Term Goals

Excuse givers only wanted to handle the present and never think about their company’s future. For a successful people, it is only the final goal that matter. They do not care about their failure, but they take steps to fix their errors. Every leader has a long-term goal that they want to achieve no matter what the cost is. The long-term goal is the thing that failures does not have. If you want to become successful, then make sure to focus on the future.

No More Excuses

#2 Successful People Have Priorities on Their List

Let us just accept that people use the excuse as a medium to escape from the criticism that they have to face. Not only does excuses avoid criticism, but they also let them put the blame for their failure on others. Excuses are just plain lies which are just used to cover up their weaknesses. We do not lie about the things that are on our priority, and by giving excuses, they are just showing that their goals are not their priority.

Successful people set their priorities and act according to them. They are not afraid to accept their letdown as they have their preferences set on their goals. Not only they have their priorities set on their goals, but they are motivated on achieving their priorities.

#3 Successful People Always Take Credibility of Their Actions

Excuses act as a shield to protect from showcasing the failure. While unable to meet the goals, most of the people hide behind the shield of excuses and put the blame of their fault to others. Unlike excuse

givers, successful people never put the blame for their work on others. They are the ones who are ready to accept their actions and will take the complete responsibility for that as well. We all know that giving excuses will never help a business or an individual in growing. Instead, it will contribute to consuming time. Leaders understand the value of their time and giving excuses destroys a lot of time which they can utilize in figuring out the ways to improve their work even further.

#4 Successful People Are Never Afraid of Failing

Most of the people use excuses to show the world that they never failed because of themselves, but because of whatever the explanation they give. However, the truth is that they are too afraid to accept that they were not able to reach their goals. This fear hinders those people from reaching their goals. As a result, they face failure but are not ready to accept it.

This is the thing which differentiates successful people with failures. Leaders know that with excellent results comes with a higher rate of risk. They always know that the probability of a failure is equal to the chances of success. With that thing in mind, they are never afraid of facing failure in their ideas. Even after knowing that this failure may not be the last one which they are facing, keep on moving forward towards their goals. There could be a lot more failures waiting for them at the other end, but still, they try to outclass their fear of a letdown. When they surpass their fear, it automatically makes them better with tons of quitters who are even afraid to accept their failure.

So, what do you need to do to become successful in your life?

The answer is simple, the most important thing to do is let go of the habit of giving excuses and blaming others, and take the credibility for your own actions. Keep in mind that successful people never give excuses, and people who give excuses are never successful. Follow the path of successful people, learn from your mistakes, take responsibilities of all your actions, create long-term goals and you will surely climb the ladder of success. Never forget that people who afraid failure will never become successful. In order to be successful, you should let go of this fear and start accepting your faults. Not only this will help you in finding your mistakes but will help you in growing as an individual.


You cannot predict success or failure, but giving excuses for the things that you did will not going to help in any phase of life; be it personal or professional. All you have to do is accept the failure as your responsibility, and do hard work to eliminate the chances of failure.


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