
6 Reasons Why You Need To Focus On Other People, Not Just Yourself

Dalai Lama said that if you focus only on yourself and neglect others, you will lose; but you will gain if you value others as much as you cherish yourself.

What do his words mean?

The quote transcends you to the very ploy of the book, ‘A Christmas Carol’ authored by Charles Dickens. Ebenezer Scrooge, at the beginning of this book, is primarily focused just on himself, which is much to the sadness of all those who are around him.

But, towards the end of the book, he begins to care about others as much as he is concerned about himself. He even provides a grand feast to his most trusted employee and loves to while away his day with his beloved family, with whom he had previously estranged relations.

In the book, Scrooge loses everything dear to him solely due to his selfish focus on himself as he perceived it to be important, i.e., money. At the end of the story, he regains everything which was dear to him by solely focusing on the requirements of other people.

The quote given above says that if you tend to ignore the requirements of others, you will not have a good life and your happiness will also depend on others. However, if you notice and can lend a helping hand to others, you will achieve true happiness.

So, what are the top 6 reasons why you need to focus on other people, not just yourself?


  • To Be In A Position Of Leadership

It simply translates into being a selfless and an impartial person. It is not about you but it’s about people you lead who follow you. A true leader is committed to inspiring and taking care of others.

It is evident over the past few decades that an active business leader always focuses on requirements of others, i.e., his employees, sales team, clients, reports, and others. Incidentally, leaders who selfishly focused on themselves and less on others had to face many difficulties thus were merely effective in their leadership roles. These people were hugely enamored of their media clippings and coverage.

  • What Is The Importance Of Others In Your Life?

Imagine a life without any friend or family. Imagine no one in life to either help you or talk to you. It sounds like a beginning of a depressing movie where you pine for a protagonist who will bring the change and lead to happiness.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean one can live entirely without any support from friends and family. A little companionship is also sought by any of the most introvert people. Another pearl of wisdom which goes mentioned without saying is that helping others gives happiness to you.

If it is giving away food to needy people or helping in a house or helping someone cross a street are small acts of joy and will add meaning and happiness to your life. It feels awesome to help others who are in need.

  • How This Applies To Your Life?

Firstly, you should think how much time you have already expended helping others. It can be a day job too, from people who work in hospitals to parents; they already spend so much time helping others. You need to decide the total amount of time that you can set aside for assisting others too besides your routine work with an aim to focus on others.

It is quite a personal decision and you don’t want anyone pushing you into it. Everyone has different needs and duties in their lives. As is evident, it should be your own free will to decide on the course of life and examine it; thus, live life by design and not by accident.

You should take some time out to think how much time have you committed to only yourself, not to include time spent on a quiet evening with a good book once in a while or time taken to unwind after a long hard day at work.

  • Putting Others Needs Ahead Of Yours

What is important here is to focus when you put yourselves and your needs forward of the requirements of people around you. Precisely what Scrooge did in the story, ‘A Christmas Carol’, he preferred money and objects thus ignored wants of others.

Focusing on others needs is essential. Money, pleasure, and objects are necessary but to an extent. These things are not the root of all evils, but they are a significant contributing factor as you tend to focus purely on these gains and hence ignore needs of others.

To renounce all that you have and give up everything is not the only way. You need not beg for your meals to walk this path of care and consideration because if you have nothing, then it’s difficult to give something to anyone in need – all you could provide will be an encouraging word.

  • What Can You Do For Others Or What Are You Doing To Help Others Presently?

There will be many of you who will be happy with where you are right now. That is great since you examined your life and had arrived at a conclusion.

However, if you concluded that you require making available more time to help others than definitely, it’s going to get busy.

Donating sure does sound easy and quicker who those who are stuck with hectic schedules. Donation helps organizations which are working to make a change in the life of others. The money is utilized in the best possible manner to contribute to the needs of people. What a fantastic way to help others! What do you think about this?

At times, money is the best tool to help others who are in need. You can explore options at your local food bank that buy food in vast quantities and then hand it to people who are hungry and cannot afford food. These places are a perfect place to donate. They will ensure to feed maximum people with your donated money, and you can also offer to pitch in with the food distribution system.

It’s undoubtedly true that it goes against everything that comes out of a charity, but it sure proves that you can always, and every time learn something, there are also exceptions available in many unexpected areas.

For all those people who have much more time in comparison to money, you can focus on your skills and how you can combine them to help others. If you like working with hands and have an acumen for construction skills, then you may as well work towards creating something for the needy.

The bottom line is to help no matter what your skills are. No matter what preferences you have, there are plethora of organizations that desperately need volunteers to assist them in their contribution towards humanity. All you got to do is to look for them.

If you still cannot find them, then you may visit local government offices or various religious offices as they undoubtedly will help you find organizations where you can make a difference.

  • True Happiness

Such acts will not make you productive or gain you favors but will help you attain inner happiness and peace within. Helping others will give you pleasure which will know no bounds. Your contribution to making a change in the life of others seeking help will accrue you rewards and riches in other forms. These riches, you will see, are of excellent value than just paper cash.


You cannot just focus on yourself and neglect everyone around you. It can lead to miseries and frustration in life. It is important to be considerate and pay attention to the happiness of all those who are directly or indirectly a part of your life.


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