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Boredom and Unhealthy Foods

Boredom and Unhealthy Foods – What’s the Connection?

The alarm bell rings. You curse your luck for the beginning of another day, where nothing can happen to be productive.  The morning sun is glowing with the same brightness, the water in the tap remains to be of the same temperature, and even the breakfast on the table has got no change.  Then after one hour or so which gets over in travelling, you enter the office.

First thing first- a person check Facebook for any further notifications.  Then moves on by checking some important mails, if any.  Calls up the pantry for a cup of coffee and slowly starts entering into work mode.

No sooner the working begins there is no waste of time.  Suddenly there evolves a great sense of seriousness, dedication and some great effort in making the work productive. It often happens that such transformation leads to being a workaholic. Nothing can catch the attention of a person other than work.

Now, this working equation has got a great deal of similarity with your eating habits. This seems to be quite strange and insignificant but actually it is true. Work ensure proper intake of food.

In the recent time, more or less, every young people in the corporate world is quite conscious about their performance and even their health. Every individual tries to maintain a balance.

Boredom and Unhealthy Foods

Let’s figure out how they balance work and food habits together.

  • The day begins with a cup of green tea and two plain biscuits.
  • Then comes breakfast which is always quite heavy. Bread butter, cornflakes or may be oats with milk.  A fruit is a must along for breakfast. Many people prefer fruit juice.
  • Lunch becomes a bit light. May be a little rice and some vegetables.
  • The dinner should be like a beggar. May be two chapattis with chicken and salad is a must.

An affair between Boredom and Unhealthy Foods

Unfortunately, this routine cannot be maintained over a long time. In between, there comes phases of extended boredom which leads to unhealthy food habits.  A person sitting idle can actually eat everything like a monster. Nothing seems to fill his appetite.

People who maintain a decent diet over a week looses all track in the weekend and jumps into varied types of fast food which is technically quite unhealthy and harmful.

No work, sitting idle, watching television by changing the channel every ten seconds leads to a high level of boredom. It is mainly a mental state where human brain tries to find work but gets nothing.  So to fill up that empty space, they start eating.

Now one may ask the scientific connection between boredom and eating of unhealthy foods?  Yes, there is a very interesting fact which connects these two habits. If someone is engaged in some important activity like work, then consumption of tasty food becomes tasteless. It may be that an individual is worried, maybe he is not in a good mood, may be the work pressure is quite heavy and like this there can be millions of reasons where food becomes tasteless. At that time, people prefer to have those serious healthy stuffs which can never satisfy the taste buds.

A glass of milk, a bowl of oats, brown bread with peanut butter, some tasteless fruit and of course boiled vegetables are the staple diet for every normal person who are busy with work. This particular eating scene changes when work gets over, nothing interesting is about to happen and boredom has finally walked in. The change is something like this-

  • Five to six cups of tea and coffee
  • At least two packets of cream biscuits
  • Noodles, Macaroni, Pasta
  • Pizza, burgers, pastries, cakes
  • Chicken preparations, mutton, egg and all other non -vegetarian items.
  • Ice creams, continuous shots of cold drinks
  • Every type of street foods which assures you with a cent percent guarantee of being unhealthy.

More or less this is a rough summary of the various foods that people consume when nothing seems to be interesting. Though it is unhealthy, risk to various things like sugar, cholesterol, pressure but at the end these are just some perfect elements to turn on an unproductive session into a food festival.

Any idea that why people get immensely happy on the arrival of weekends?  It is just because that they can finally eat some desired food items.  Every common individual aims to make the weekend a complete work free environment. They will either sleep till late hours to regain the energy for the next week or may just eat unnecessarily.  A very famous colloquial phrase says’ it is better to do something than nothing’.  So when one feels bored and have nothing to work on then food fills your brain and makes it engaged.


Boredom makes us Eat Unhealthy Foods

Consuming unhealthy food is a threat to your body. Every literate person is aware of this. Some tries to maintain their food habits but the majority can never change what they have acquired over many years.  They will go on having those junk items which somehow cannot be replaced with anything good. Actually there is a little tragedy over here.  A food which is healthy and is a must for the body appears to be tasteless but something harmful gives the tongue a moment of pleasure.

So, one is absolutely wrong and is threatening his or her life by eating junk foods during boredom. They can listen to music, watch a film, read a book and can even chat over phone. There are many options available but unluckily the human mind always craves for food.

It is very difficult to gauge that why boredom gets connected to unhealthy foods. There can be thousand reasons, just like this article has.  Even people are not aware that why do they really love to eat those things.

Unhealthy foods will forever connect with boredom no matter what comes in and goes out. Want to know the real reason behind this affair between the two? Well, certain things are best left unsaid.


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