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You are your Biggest Enemy

The Biggest Enemy You Have To Deal With Is Yourself

The Biggest Enemy You Have To Deal With Is Yourself

You are your Biggest Enemy

The Biggest Enemy Lies Within

My favorite philosopher of all time, Friedrich Nietzsche, once said in Thus Spoke Zarathustra:

“But the worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself; … You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame: how could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?”

Like a phoenix must burn to rise once again, anew and raring to go, our life too should resemble that of a phoenix.

We are our biggest enemy. We sow and water the seeds of this enmity by choosing to lead a mundane, purposeless, fearful, directionless and contented life.

But, why are we our enemy? When do we become one?

One needs to ponder over this.

The fear of failure is the biggest hindrance that germinates the seed of inner enemy. A newborn child only has two fears: the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. All other human fears are the result of social conditioning and of course, our inner belief system.

We are taught to fail.

Yes, you read that right. The conditioning doesn’t happen overnight and neither is it taught to us deliberately. We learn from the people around us and if they are emitting negative thoughts, saying negative things or taking uneventful actions, we do get conditioned to it.

As it happens, we begin to doubt ourselves. We think of us as incapable, incompetent, and inadequate and that feeling of fear slowly begins to wrap its tentacles around us, choking us to death, without us realizing anything.

The fear of failure is the cause of our downfall. It leads to complacency. An illusion is created around us. We convince us of our happiness, complacent in our comfort zone. We become quitters without trying.

Instead of using our powerful minds to figure out how to achieve what we want, we use the rational mind to find how NOT to achieve what we want.

We blame others for our misfortunes.

  • Didn’t get that job? I didn’t deserve it.
  • Not enough bank balance? The world is merciless.
  • Didn’t get that coveted business deal? Maybe it wasn’t meant for me.

Notice something here?

There is a whole bunch of “I didn’t”, “I can’t”, “wasn’t meant for me” and generally blaming others for everything else.

The thing is we are negating ourselves. We are creating negative thoughts and taking negative actions. We convince ourselves of our fate.

Often one come across people who exclaim, “only if we had the right moment, the right guidance, the right opportunity and so on….”.

Everything is there for your taking. Only YOU CAN create the perfect time, perfect opportunity, perfect situation and the perfect LIFE for yourself.  Get out of the comfort zone and DO IT NOW.

Erase all the negative thoughts. Set goals and push yourself harder and harder, don’t compromise. Just waiting for things to happen is like committing a spiritual suicide. Avoid getting complacent; avoid getting stuck in that comfort zone.

Take risks and rule over the fear.

STOP becoming your own enemy. There is nothing in this world you cannot achieve. Think of all the dreams and aspirations laid to rest just because millions of people succumbed to their fears. This way, the wealthiest place in the world is the graveyard as therein remains all inventions and discoveries, covered in earth.

Fear is just a state of mind; it turns us into our own enemy.

A popular African proverb says: “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you”.

How true it is!

True, it isn’t easy to unlearn years of giving into fear. Any cause for change immediately gives rise to resistance. The change may cause pain but don’t run away from it. Face it headlong because it is pain that pushes you into greatness. You won’t get anything if you give up, if you QUIT.

  • Never quit.
  • Never say “I can’t”.

It is like perceiving whether the glass is half-full or half-empty. The answer depends on our mindset. The pragmatist and the opportunist will answer ‘half-full’ while the negativist will say ‘half-empty’.

The End

Your ultimate goal should be that when you leave this earth permanently, no dreams should remain unfulfilled.

Yes, it is tough for an adult mind to unlearn and relearn things but tell yourself that YOU CAN. Your inner being, which is clouded in fear, is aching to be released from its self-imposed prison. Free the inner being. Free your mind. Start by saying –


….and DO IT, do whatever you set out to achieve.

Today, right now, say YES to fulfilling dreams, say YES to leading your life to full potential and say YES to a positively unfolding future.

Before you leave, take a look at this awesomely mesmerizing video that motivates you to the core.


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