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How to Rise Above Your Circumstances?

Most of the people believe that staying happy is the matter of circumstances. If the circumstance is good, then it is time to rejoice and remain happy and vice versa. However, this is just a sheer misconception. Circumstances only depict your present situation and nothing more than that. It all depends on you that whether you want to take the situation positively and accept it as it is or you can take it negatively and stay depressed for it.

You need to remember that every human is stuck in their situation; be it good or bad. It is a part of life, and nothing can run away from it. The only right thing that a person can do in the situation is to accept it and move on. Holding it for a longer period will not provide any benefit. Instead, it will cause the pain and suffering that none of the individuals want.

If you feel disappointed about your present situation, then it is not your fault. It is the human tendency that made you feel this way. However, it is your fault when you are not doing anything to improve the situation. People make a mistake of not taking any step and start staying alone. Doing this has never helped any person in overcoming their circumstances, but it has surely made them less productive.

Every person faces such situation multiple times in their life, but it is the way of handling it that makes them different from others. If you are also facing the same issue, then here are the ways that will help you in rising above your circumstances.

#1 Stay Positive

Whenever a person is in a situation where they cannot find the happiness they need, they tend to surround themselves with the negative energy that could make the situation even worse. In order to stay happy and battle the circumstances, you need to eliminate all the negativity from yourself and begin to think positively. When a person thinks negatively, they begin to look out for the detriments of the situation. This makes them think only the bad about the situation due to which it seems impossible to rise about the situation.

All you have to do is start thinking about the positive side of the situation. Look out for the benefits that this situation is providing. Moreover, you can always learn a lesson and know about the mistakes that you should avoid. The moment you start taking the situation positively, you will notice numerous changes in your behavior. The primary change will be that you will begin feeling less poignant about yourself and start feeling happy.

#2 Do Not Try to Control Everything

People in bad situation struggle to make bring back things under control. In order to do that, they try to control everything and make the necessary changes as per their requirements. However, this plan could backfire and rather than controlling everything; you could lose control of the most basic things. You need to accept that it is hard to control everything. When you gain control over the things, you may panic and make the situation even worse. The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that you should try to be calm. Afterward, you need to look out for the things that you can control without messing up other things. Sometimes even the things that you were able to control might get berserk. In that situation, rather than whining, it is best that you accept it and move on.

Dont Give IN

#3 Find Happiness in Smaller Things

If you ask any person that why they were disappointed, then you will get only one answer that the outcome they expected never came. By putting your focus on their response, you will notice that it is the expectations that lead to disappointments. When people have bigger expectations, then there are chances of bigger disappointments, stress, and anxiety. On the other hand, when the expectations are low, then the probability of disappointment is low as well.

All you have to do is rather than being sad and disappointed, you need to cherish that you achieved something. The key to being joyful is to stay happy even in the smallest of things. Though you may not feel like you should be happy, but it is necessary, or else you will never be satisfied with your work.

#4 Love Yourself

The first person who will help you through the toughest times is you. Sometimes after facing a bad situation, people start blaming themselves and tend to think that they are good for nothing. Moreover, they start treating their life as granted and do not bother to take care of themselves. You need to remember that situations will constantly change, but the decisions you take now will reflect on your future.

Always remember that every mind has equal potential to change the world. Your one poor decision could ruin your opportunity to be the best in the world at what you do. Hard times may come and go, but you need to promise yourself that no matter what happens, you will always love yourself.

#5 Enhance Your Willpower

One of the biggest strengths of a person is their willpower. No matter what milestone you want to achieve, your determination will help you in meeting your goals. Apart from that, handling tough situations and circumstances needs will as well. Even if you want to give up on the situation, it is your willpower that will stop you from giving up and motivate you to continue what you are doing.

However, weak will may not help you in doing so. In that case, you need to strengthen your willpower by doing numerous exercises. The most effective exercise is a meditation that could help you in being calm and boost your self-control. You need to remember that it will never be as easy as it sounds, but you should continue doing it.

#6 Take Steps to Make Things Better

Without a doubt, blaming others for the mistakes is the easiest way to escape the reality. You need to remember that it will never help you in fighting the circumstances. Even though you may feel a little better after putting the blame on someone else, but deep down you know that blaming is not the solution to the problem. If you want to rise above the situation, then you need to stop blaming and complaining about the issues you face. Rather than that, it is best that you start taking necessary measures to improve the situation. Ask yourself that what you can do to fix the problem. Always remember that complaining will not solve any of the issues, but taking actions surely will.

#7 Live in the Future

Whether it is good or bad, past is supposed to help an individual in providing a lesson. However, some of the people are stuck in their past experiences and allowing it to ruin their present as well. Even you may feel the guilt and regret of the mistakes that you committed in the past. Moreover, you may also begin to think that you are not capable of doing anything.

Looking back at the past experiences is not a bad thing to do, but always thinking that the same things will happen in the future is toxic for your present. Rather than staying in the past, you could learn from the mistakes and rebuilt your future where you will not be committing any of those previous mistakes. Living in the future is the way how you can overtake the situation of regret and grab the opportunity to frame the future.


Battling with the circumstances is undoubtedly a difficult task. All you have to do is consider the things mentioned above, and you will be able to overcome any difficult circumstance.


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