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Motivation Myths

7 Myths about Motivation

Often when people are unable to find anything in their career, there is only one thing that keeps them going towards their ultimate goal and that is motivation. This motivation could be anything including the happiness of your family, fame, or luxury. All these things keep us focused towards reaching the goals.

Some of the people who lack motivation consult with numerous personalities and hear their success stories which act as a motivator. All such people provide some motivational tips that they believe could help you in reaching your goals. However, believing in everything blindly could do more damage than good.

People unintentionally guide you with some motivational myths that could stop you from reaching your goals. The worst thing is that you are unable to distinguish between motivational myths and reality and end up believing in them. Here are some of the most widely believed myths about motivation that you should know.

#1 Money is the Biggest Motivator

Almost every person believes that money is the most significant motivator. People only do jobs to earn sufficient money so that they could fulfill their wishes as anything could be bought using the money. With that thing in mind, most of the corporate companies offer monetary incentives so that their employees could perform better. The worst part is that all such employees do work better when they are provided with extra money. The sole reason behind this is that they are told that money is the greatest motivator and they work accordingly.

Most of the people believe that earning a great amount of money is success. However, the truth is that having a profession which provides inner peace and happiness is what success truly is. No matter how much an individual is earning, if they are not happy with their work, then there is nothing that could keep them motivated towards their job.

Motivation Myths

People who work for only money are habitual to their daily lives being the reason why they are not affected by it. All they can think is that they have and will continue to have the same life and they cannot do anything about it. If they are unhappy, then at some point in life, they will begin stressing out about their work that could also result in poor mental health.

#2 Smart People Do Not Need Motivation

Without a doubt, not everyone has the same sharpness in mind. Most of the smart people believe that success is guaranteed to them and the sole reason behind this is that they have better minds than the others. In addition to that, they start to believe that they do not need any motivation as their intelligence will help them in reaching their goals.

All such people live under this misconception that they do not need hard work as the success will come towards them. You have to remember that success never knocks anyone’s door; it is the people who need to look out for the success and happiness. Often smart people live under this misconception and they keep on waiting for the right time to show their talent, and that right time never comes to them.

#3 Greater Rewards Means Greater Motivation

As mentioned above, most of the corporate companies offer money or other greater rewards so that they could motivate their employees to work better. When the employees are rewarded with the rewards, it surely enhances their overall performance in their job. However, this plan could backfire anytime. As the employees are used to work for the rewards and not because they like to work, it could decrease their overall performance. Sometimes the company may not be able to provide the employees with the incentives. In that case, the employees will not feel the urge to work extra and could also work less than they are supposed to do. So greater rewards will make the employees lethargic about their work.

#4 Try to Do Your Best and You Will Reach Success

Whenever people are unable to reach their goals, they often try to communicate with the people where these people tell that ‘you should always try to do your best.’ This statement makes people believe that doing their best will help in reaching their goals. However, the truth is that it works as an excuse when people are unable to do what they are supposed to. It gives the permission to people to work above average and not the best.

You need to accept that the harder the goal is the harder you need to work on achieving it. Always remember that you need to work more than you are capable of and only then you will be able to meet your goals. All you have to do is increase your efforts and stay committed towards your aim.

#5 Fear Will Help in Staying Motivated

People always say that fear is the one that keeps them motivated towards their success. Most of the people are afraid of losing their job or facing failure in their life. Though it is one of greatest motivators, but it is never permanent. People who use fear as a motivator will surely stay focused towards their work. The reason behind their efforts is not because they want to work, but they have to work as they do not have any other choice.

The worst thing about fear is that it is temporary. It may help you in staying focused, but that focus will only stay for a limited time. Once the time ends, you will begin to feel less motivated and more stressed which will not only deteriorate your mental health but your working environment as well.

#6 Knowing Goals is the Path to Success

Identifying goals at the right time surely help an individual in achieving their goals. Some people say that setting up goals is the primary step towards the path to success while the others say that if you have a clear vision of your goals in your mind, then nothing can stop you from reaching them. Though this statement could be partially correct, but you should know that mere knowing about your goals will not help you in becoming a successful person.

Undoubtedly, goals help in staying motivated, and many motivational speakers also say this, but none of the experienced speakers will mention that writing down the goals will help you in achieving them. Instead, they will always mention that along with the goals, you need to find out the ways which will help you in finding the road that will lead you towards your destination.

#7 Waiting for the Right Motivation to Come To You

Some of the people find motivation right in front of them. Whenever such people are asked that where they found their motivation, all they say is it was right in front of them and they were lucky to find it at the right time. With that thing in mind, most of the people wait that their motivation will also come to them and hence, they do not look for the motivation.

However, this is the worst mistake to make. If you are unable to find the motivation at the right time, then there are possibilities that you will never find the motivation. In some of the cases, it takes time and efforts to find the right motivation that provides them with the push that they were waiting for. It is best that you stop waiting for your motivation to come to your, and start looking for the motivation by yourself.


Believing in myths has never helped anybody in reaching the milestone of success. These were some of the most common myths that people tend to believe. Always remember that achieving success is never easy, but you should put in more efforts than you possibly can and you will reach your objective.


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