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Spell of fear

How to Break the Spell of Fear?

Hardly there will be any person who does not fear from something. Some might accept the fear while others are ashamed of it, but one common thing in all of them is that they want to overcome their fear. The cause of the fear for one person may be a source of entertainment for the other. For a student, getting poor grades is the worst fear, for an adult, it is losing their job. However, one thing that has scared most of the people is death.

Whenever we talk about death, most of the people get scared because that is the scariest thing ever. The great thing about this fear is that no one knows the feeling of death, but they are still afraid. If you are among those who have some sort of fear, then you must want to know the ways how you can overcome your fear.

Before overcoming the fear, you must know what fear is. In simple terms, fear is something that scares a living being. However, this is not the complete definition. Fear is just another form of anxiety which comes when you think about some future incidents. These incidents could be anything, but the solution to each of them is the same.

However, the fear never exists in our world, but in the minds. Humans have a great mind with endless possibilities, but some of them only use this great part for thinking about their fear. The sole cause of fear is the power to imagine things. You imagine some of the situations that ‘could’ happen in the future which scares you.

The funny thing about this ‘could’ is that it may or may not happen at all. All you do is fill your minds with the negative possibilities by thinking about either the past or the future. You can use this imagination to creating something productive or engaging, but you only chose to imagine your fears.

Spell of fear

Sometimes the fear of doing something or trying something new might hinder you from doing anything. The fear is not about trying anything, but it is about the consequences that wait. Everything related to fear is inside the mind. The moment you stop thinking about the future will be the stance you overcome your fear.

However, it may sound so simple, but legions of people have tried and failed miserably. The only place they lack is the will. When they come face to face with their fear, all they do is let their fear take control of their will. If this has happened to you as well, then here are some of the ways that will help you in breaking the spell of fear.

#1 Control Your Imagination

Imagination is the root of fear. People imagine things so that they can tackle with all the possible possibilities that can happen in the future. This planning includes both the good and the bad situations, but they are always worried about the bad things. Rather than focusing on the wrong things, you should always take account the good things that can happen to you in the future. It will not only help you in getting rid of the future but will also keep you happy and cheerful.

#2 Try to Keep Calm

Whenever people face their fear, it increases their heartbeat and the blood pressure levels which results in anxiety attacks. These attacks could deteriorate the health of the person that can even cause cardiac arrests. To prevent such situations, the best you can do is to control yourself and try to stay as calm as possible. Though it might be difficult for you in the beginning, but you will get the hang of it after some time. Breathing is the best method, to begin with. You need to make sure that you never give up after a few tries.

#3 Stop Living in Tomorrow and Start Living Today

The reason for fear is that people start making assumptions about their future. They create endless possibilities that could happen and start worrying about it. These assumptions make them think about their tomorrow, and their fear makes them live in tomorrow rather than today. You need to give up on this habit and start living your life. Forget to make any unnecessary assumptions to stay calm.

#4 Deviate Yourself from Thinking about Future

Overthinking could also result in fear among people. People start to imagine things when they have nothing to do. The easiest thing to do to avoid unnecessary thinking is by engaging yourself in some other tasks. Working out is the best time killer. Not only you will get fit, but you will also meet new people who can help you in the task. Developing a hobby is another excellent thing to do. Your hobbies could be playing music, watching television or any other thing. No matter what the activity is, it is good for you until it is deviating you from thinking about the future.

#5 Do Not Mind Your Mistakes

Most of the people think that they are scared of committing mistakes, but the truth is that they are afraid of the criticism that they have to face. If you have this attitude, then you will never be able to overcome your fear. You need to consider your mistakes in a positive manner. Think of the reasons why this error occurred, and what are the measures that should you take to avoid it. Take your mistakes as a stepping stone for improving yourself. Always remember that mistakes are not a sign of a loser, but a sign of learner.

#6 Face Your Fear

This is the most reliable method of overcoming your fear. People are scared of certain things only because they ‘think’ that it might affect yours. However, even they are not sure that what could happen. All you have to do is face your fear and find out the things that could happen, and you will overcome your fear for sure.


The most common fear among humans is the fear of death which is why they forget to live their present life. The worst could happen to a person is that they could die, but one day they will eventually die.


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