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discipline quote by Jim Rohn

6 Reasons Why People Quit

Isn’t it just easy not doing something and leaving things the way as it is? Why take that extra pain? How will I do it? We will be able to survive without doing it. I have not been trained on this. I have never handled so much pressure.

We make all these questions and statements to ourselves; in our simpler attempt to avoid a task or simply doing it wrong. In our mind, we try to reach out to the end of the staircase; little do we examine the next step.

Here, we have listed six reasons which we might have come across at some or daily point of life.

#1 Procrastination:

Not just a big word to spell but something that is frequently done by us. It is human nature that we put off things we do not feel like doing and think of them as unpleasant or boring. We avoid facing situations by having some “me time,” peace and relaxation which we currently feel important.

Procrastination is putting tasks to delay saying I will do it later and delaying it till the deadline comes, resulting in either unfinished task or lacking efficiency. We put our tasks in a later to-do list and think we are taking a break. Instead, we are increasing our burden. Cooking up something at the last moment is never as good as indulging the right amount of time and energy in any task.

#2 Overwhelmed                                                                                 

One often comes across situations when you have multiple tasks to complete, pending emails, weddings to attend, family issue, due bills and then we are like chuck it, I will not be able to do this task.

We tend to have our mind clutter when we are not able to focus on our priorities. We attempt to complete our entire task at the same time; it causes clutter in our mind resulting in overwhelming. Being overwhelmed causes anxiety which can lead to physical and mental anxiety.

This world is getting smaller and busier. Everything and everyone is moving at a fast speed and expecting you to maintain that with them, failing to do so lacks in unfinished business. We try to cope up but due to lack of exposure keep adding pressure by running things in our mind again and again.

#3 Lack of results

Sometimes, when we are doing something with so much patience, passion, and hard work yet yields no desired results; one just feels why? Moreover, we try not to do it.

We often come across a point when all that we imagined earlier regarding our goals; it takes a different course of action and not giving the desired outcome. We feel disheartened, and our imagination goes for a toss. Due to lack of results, we start the blame game; the task was tedious, lack of resources, blaming the boss, blaming colleagues and being clouded by a sense of failure.

#4 Self- Sabotage

“Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it does not happen” Alyce P. Cornyn- Selby

do not dwell in the past Buddha Quote

Sometimes our usual behavior is to relieve ourselves in a situation, but in reality, it creates problems and interferes with our tasks. It can occur due to mishandled situations in the past and could be simply a defensive nature to protect oneself. We fall prey to our internal voice and engage in self-sabotage behavior that hurt us, but we do not realize that as we are unaware.

Without clarity in our goals, we feel left out in the other zone, being unproductive and blaming ourselves resulting in comfort eating, self-injury such as cutting, alcohol, and self-medication through drugs.

#5 Self-doubt

When you have to submit an assignment, before giving it, thinking will my boss like it? What if there are many errors? Did I follow the correct format?

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt” Honore de Balzac.

We often go in that lull space that we feel that now that the task is done, what about next time? We question ourselves whether I will be able to do it? Think of leaving a task as you are not confident. Reasons that could lead to a lack of confidence in you include:

  • Lack of appraisal
  • Failing to meet standards
  • Not getting due credit
  • Rejection
  • Neglect or abuse

#6 Bad decisions

In our day to day life, we often require decision making in situations. How we handle these situations, determine our results. Sometimes acting without thinking of the outcome, may result in undesired and unfruitful situations. These can be caused due to bad decisions. Decisions can be hampered due to:

  • Lacking course of action: not having rules and directions or not being prepared
  • Laziness: sheer lack of interest
  • Indecisiveness: not able to make or provide a clear, definite result
  • Failure to communicate: what we want from others or what we want to explain to others should be easily communicated in an understandable manner.
  • We do not examine our state of awareness: state of awareness can be happiness, anxiety, fear or simple drunkenness. When our mind is not at normal state, we end up making bad decisions.
  • Dependence: unnecessary delegation of work and being dependent on others
  • Isolation: Ego problem or the sense of control that I can do it all alone
  • Lack of technical knowledge: You do not have the knowledge, but still, you are pursuing the task. This will result in an inefficient commitment that can further lower your morale.

One should remember that it is not just “you” who is affected with the non-fulfillment of any task; there are others who have either given us that task or are part of that task.

We need to take time and patience by prioritizing our work, moving one step at a time, making a priority list, and setting reminders. Charting a course of action, avoiding disruptions, taking possible breaks, relaxing and then focusing back on the task and just going through the follow-ups we have assigned to ourselves.


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