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How to Increase Mental Strength?

Mental strength is about emotional regulation, thought management and behaving in a positive manner irrespective of whatever circumstance life throws at you. To increase mental strength, you not only need willpower but huge doses of commitment and hard work. You need to establish healthy habits and give up the unhealthy habits that stops you from getting better.

Mental strength comes into testing grounds when life becomes complicated. It is easy to boast sound mental strength when life is simple – true mind strength becomes visible when times of adversity. You need to increase mental strength to deal with life’s inevitable obstacles.

In this article, we are going to talk about ways to increase mental strength. Reading them is not sufficient, start implementing them.

5 Ways to Increase Mental Strength

Here they are:

#1 Increase Mental Strength with Core Beliefs

Beliefs make a personality. Everyone leads their life on the basis of some belief systems – these systems apply on our lives and in general to the world. Our core beliefs influence our behaviour, thoughts and emotion every second of the day.

Increase Mental Strength

These core beliefs can sometimes be misleading and deviate us from the ‘true’ path. For example, if you believe that you are never going to be successful in life, you are actively engaging in the self-destructive process of never being successful. You stop applying to jobs or procrastinate from starting your own business. Over a period of time, you feel “unsuccessful” feelings gnawing at you.

What did you just do? Your self-fulfilling prophecy became true. Who proved it true? You did. Your core beliefs did.

Therefore, it is necessary to be aware about your core beliefs. If the beliefs are proving detrimental to your life, change them. Changing core belief systems is not easy. It requires persistence and devotion. Start by meditating. Focus to increase mental strength a day at a time. Do not expect miraculous results.

#2 Replace Negativity with Realistic Thoughts

Do we examine our thoughts? Most of us do not. We do not spend time thinking about our thoughts and increase awareness of what we are thinking. If you actively monitor what you are thinking and put a check on unsavoury thoughts, it helps to increase mental strength and resilience.

Thoughts like “I can never be slim and healthy” holds you back from reaching full potential. Of course, it is not possible to not think any negative thought. The trick is to nip the flower in the bud so that the thought does not take shape and influence our life. Catch your negative thoughts before they spiral out of control and adversely influence your behaviour.

Replace negative thoughts with positive ones, or more productive thoughts. Initially, this will be a tough thing because you have to focus on understanding negative thoughts and change them into productive positive ones. However, with enough practice, you should reach a stage where positive thoughts come naturally to you.

Your thoughts need to be realistic. An example of a balance thought is – “I have some weaknesses but I also have strengths, and I will channelize on those strengths to make my life better.

Constantly monitor your thoughts to become your best self.

#3 Have a Progress Diary

Writing about your life is the best way to understand your progress. In an excessively advanced technological world, we are losing the art of writing. But, for your benefit, you should start noting things that are changing within you and evaluate progress.

Make time out for self-reflection. Reflect upon your progress and increase mental strength. At the end of each day or every alternative day, ask yourself what you have learned, how you controlled your emotions and behaviour. Make a mental note of what you want to achieve tomorrow or in the next couple of days. Write about the hurdles you faced in achieving them and how you finally cracked it.

If nothing else, you will actually feel great to see yourself improving.

#4 Spend Your Mental Energy Wisely

Your mind is a powerhouse of energy. It has unbelievable potential. When we are talking to increase mental strength, you should note that one of the reasons why people fail to have stronger mind power is the propensity to think about unproductive things.

For example, if you know that a storm is coming, what will you do? The unproductive activity is to sit and worry about the major catastrophe. The productive and necessary thing will be to use the time and energy to prepare handling the storm. Worrying about the storm will not make it go away. Instead, it will take away the opportunity to deal with it. Therefore, it is always important to expend your mental energy wisely.

Use the mental energy to do productive tasks and solve problems, set life goals and achieve them. As you keep on practicing the necessity to expend mental strength wisely, it will turn into a habit.

#5 Tolerate Discomfort

If you want to increase mental strength, you also need to practice tolerating discomfort. A mentally strong person also experiences emotions, and these emotions will not always be positive. It depends on the person as to what is chosen as the ‘right’ way to deal with the emotions.

When the need arises, it makes sense to behave contrary to the emotional demand. For example, if anxiety grips and prevents you from trying out new opportunities, you should make a conscious effort to move out of the comfort zone and challenge yourself. You have to practice to tolerate uncomfortable emotions and it becomes easier as your confidence level grows.

You need to practice becoming the person you want to be. If you want to be a good public speaker, you need to practice. You cannot say “I wish I was a good public speaker”. This is not a wish fulfilment arena where a fairy grants your wishes. Instead, you have to push yourself to learn and become a public speaker. You are going to face discomfort because you are behaving against your usual disposal. BUT, tolerating this discomfort will turn your vision into a reality.


The process to increase mental strength is an ongoing one. There is always a room for improvement in our personality. Reflect on your progresses and your failures. Reinforce the ability to reach your notion of success and build a strong core belief system. Nothing is impossible – who ever said this was damn right!


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