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Improve Your Self-Esteem

10 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Self-Esteem

I Used To Feel Sorry For Myself Because I had Holes In My Shoes Until I Meet A Man With No Feet

Improve Your Self-Esteem












The judgment of your own worthiness is self esteem. It is a term used in psychological studies to evaluate the emotional balance of a person. It is common to find ourselves emotionally vulnerable, thinking negative thoughts which worsen self-esteem levels. If you’re feeling in such a rut, read our 10 ways to immediately improve your self-esteem.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending” – Maria Robinson

So, let’s begin to make a new ending.


1.     Don’t set unrealistic expectations.

Unrealistic expectations ruin our sense of confidence. Unrealistic expectations, no matter how small they are, when remain unfulfilled causes us to doubt our own capabilities. It’s good to expect but one needs to be practical. Thinking “I want to be a millionaire in six months” is nothing but a fanciful wish. When these unfulfilled expectations keep piling up, they break us. Expect, but expect wisely.

2.     Ditch the idea of perfection.

No one is perfect. Write it down somewhere and internalise it. We are not born to be perfect and it is not practical to be perfect. Many a times we browbeat ourselves for not attaining something, for not being perfect, for not achieving something…stop, stop it altogether! Learn to accept that you can’t be perfect. It’s not in our DNA so stop being hard on yourself.

3.     Stop pleasing others.

Do not be a people pleaser. See, it’s perfectly fine to care for others and look after their interests but you should never try to please everyone, always. Why? First, people don’t have the tendency to appreciate it and second, it spoils your self-image. Ask yourself, why do you want to please everyone? Are you expecting acceptance? Do you wish to belong? Being ‘you’ is better any day.

4.     Your past and present is different.

Don’t build your self-esteem based on what you were in the past. Maybe, once upon a time you could play the guitar well or you were a good cook but in the present, you can neither play the guitar nor cook. Does it mean you’re going to punish yourself or worry yourself to death over this? Of course, you cannot. What you were before is your past, concentrate on what you are in the present.

Self esteem

5.     Don’t compare yourself with others.

In childhood, we are taught to compare. Most of us have parents who preferred the neighbor’s child scoring more marks than us! These little insinuations seeped into our consciousness, making us constantly compare ourselves with others as we grow into childhood. Comparisons are really bad. It stagnates growth and makes us negative. The only person you should compare with is YOURSELF. Try to become a better version of what you were yesterday.

6.     Improvise your appearance.

The term ‘power clothing’ is not frivolous. The ‘right’ kind of clothes does imbue us with a sense of power. This power is that of confidence and rightful self-esteem. Maybe it’s time to look into the wardrobe and discard few ensembles that doesn’t do anything to make you feel better. Invest some money in power clothing.

7.     Groom yourself and exercise.

Don’t let yourself go in any situation. Maintain the grip on sanity by grooming yourself. Try it. If you’re feeling depressed, go to the nearest salon and get a pedicure done or get yourself tattooed; you will instantly feel lighter and joyous. Maintain a regular exercise regime. Try yourself this way: for the next five days, go about your daily activities as usual and five days thereafter, join a gym or run in the neighborhood park. Take an hour of your busy schedule for this activity. The sudden adrenaline rush will fill you with confidence and self-esteem.

8.     Create an affirmation journal.

Purchase a diary and start jotting down affirmations daily. Avoid using an online journal. Writing is far better than typing. What are you going to write about? At the end of each day, write down instance, things or feelings that made you feel better. It could be an act of charity, someone telling you something nice or just a plain note of gratitude. Do this now and see how wonderful it makes you feel.

9.     Maintain correct posture.

This may seem minor but has huge impact. Our posture shows us or anyone our state of mind. If the sitting posture is sluggish, you are perhaps feeling depressed and lazy. If you sit with arms crossed in front, you are being defensive. If you stand upright and straight, you have confidence and power…and so on. Watch how you sit and stand.

10.     Meditate daily.

Meditation rids our body and mind of negative thoughts. Our thoughts don’t have any leash. They run riot and causes us most discomfort. Thoughts without a purpose don’t allow perspective. Get hold of a good book on meditation and start practicing daily. It will do wonders for your self-esteem.

Use these 10 ways to immediately improve your self esteem and create a better YOU.

Before you feel sorry for yourself  checkout this video


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