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Stay Motivated

8 Simple Steps to Stay Motivated In Tough Times

Everyone wants to become successful and happy due to which they create numerous goals and plans to achieve them. Sometimes these plans do not tend to work as they were supposed to be. The problem could be in the plan on the implementation, but the only thing that matters is that the plan failed to work. When people face failure, the only thing that they can feel is the negativity and de-motivation around them.

This lack of motivation could completely ruin the future which could cause a lifelong regret to the individual. Hardly there will be anyone who never failed failure in their life, but all the successful people have one thing in common, and that is they never give up.

If you are facing any such issues, then you should remember one thing in mind that no matter how many times you meet failure; you should never give up on your dream. In some of the cases, your plan may not work as you imagined, then it is time to change the plan, but not the goal. Without a doubt, it will be the toughest part for you to stay focused, but all you need to do is stay motivated. Here are some of the simplest steps to stay motivated even in tough times.

#1 Take a Break and Rest

Achieving dreams means to work for long hours without taking breaks. When the plan does not work, it may cause de-motivation, and you may want to give up. The only reason behind this is that you may feel that your efforts are wasted. However, the truth is that the efforts are never wasted. Tiredness can cause these thoughts to come to mind and may make you feel like giving up. In that case, you need to take a long rest both physically and mentally.

There is a possibility you may exhaust your mind and body and need a proper rest before you can move on to your dreams. You can take a long break from work, go on a holiday to a scenic location, or any other place where you can relax without any interruptions. Taking a break or a holiday could reset your creativity and mind which can help you in creating effective ideas along with all the necessary possibilities of success. There is no such duration of the break that you need to take. It all depends on you that whether you want to take a break just for the weekend, for a week, or for even a month. Whenever you feel like you are getting your energy and motivation back, it is time to begin once again.

#2 Forgive Yourself

One of the biggest enemies of a person is keeping the regrets and not forgiving. The feeling of regret always stays within which stops the people from growing and moving forward. Most of the people are unable to forgive themselves whenever their plan fails. If you do not forgive yourself, then you are holding all the regrets and pressure in your body. You need to let go of all this pressure and forgive yourself. Stop blaming about the failures that you faced.

Stay Motivated

The reason for your failure could be lack of knowledge, inefficient implementation, inadequate resources or any other factor. If you have a better idea of what you should do, then you may not have faced the failure. Rather than blaming yourself for the failure, you need to look out for the vulnerabilities on your plan and try to overcome those effectively.

#3 Learn From the Mistakes

There is no person on the planet who does not make mistakes. Committing mistakes is a part of every living creature. Albert Einstein said that ‘A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.’ With this statement, he meant that any person who wants to try something new and innovative would commit mistakes in their life. The only reason behind this is the lack of knowledge about the new thing.

However, one of the best things about mistakes is that they help in learning a lot. Instead of losing your motivation because of your mistakes, you need to begin learning from them. America’s greatest inventor Thomas Alva Edison said on his failures that “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” With his statement, he mentioned that rather than feeling de-motivated or giving up from his dream, he learned from all his mistakes and ensured that he never committed them in the future. His learning from the mistakes helped him in becoming America’s  greatest inventor of all time. With that thing in mind, you need to stay positive about your mistakes and consider it as a guide that will help you in learning.

#4 Celebrate your Achievements

Most of the people believe that celebrations are only done on the big achievements or whenever a big milestone is achieved. However, this is not true. Celebrations act as a reward that you can give yourself whenever you accomplish anything; be it small or large. It is not necessary that you need to celebrate in a 5-star place. You can celebrate by giving yourself any special treatment, go for a movie, or throw a party for your loved ones. Make sure to celebrate all your achievements as they will help in staying motivated.

#5 Stay with Positive People

The surroundings play a vital role in staying focused and motivated. If you are staying close with negative people who may deviate you from the goals, then there are chances that you will leave behind your idea. The best thing that you can do is stay away from all such people. There will be stances when you will indulge in a conversation with them. In that case, you can either be neutral or you can leave the conversation as soon as possible. Doing this will help you in staying focused and away from the negativity.

#6 Watch and Read Motivational Movies and Books

Motivational movies and books tend to be great motivator as people believe that they are the protagonist and start relating the story with their life. It is best that you begin reading such books and watch such movies that will help you in staying motivated in the tough times. Moreover, you could also listen to music which has motivating lyrics.

#7 Ask for Help

If you believe that you can do everything on your own, then you are probably wrong. No matter how good you are in your task, everyone needs support from other people; be it physical or mental. Whenever you feel lack of motivation, then you can contact your loved ones and ask for their support. They can not only help you in fighting your problems, but can also provide you with the motivation that you are missing. Moreover, you can also ask any other professional to help you in the problems that you are facing.

#8 Always Remember Your Goal

The reason why you are in a tough time is that you were struggling to achieve your goals, and these goals are the one that will assist you in staying motivated in every situation. Always remember your goal and why you started it in the first place. There will be stances when you feel like giving up. However, you need to remember the goals and the efforts that you put in to achieve it. In addition to that, you can also keep in mind the factors that help you in staying focused and motivated.


These were 8 simple steps that will help you to stay motivated in your tough times. Always remember that you will face both easy and tough times in your life. All you have to do is always give your best, and you will achieve your target for sure.


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